Good news, I recreated the FSGD file from scratch on a linux workstation
using the exact same syntax and list of inputs and re-ran the mri_preproc
and it worked this time. The original file that I was having issues with
was also created on a linux workstation, however I had copied the inputs
from a
Yes, it still has 22 subjects. The only difference between yesterday and
today was that I individually ran mris_preproc on subjects 005, 006, 007,
and 010 to test whether any of those files were corrupt or missing. All 4
successfully ran mri_surf2surf, however this morning when I ran
mris_preproc a
Thanks Doug, here is the preproc log using the debug option:
nmr. set echo = 1 ;
set debug = 1 ;
set debug = 1
while ( $#argv != 0 )
while ( 10 != 0 )
set flag = $argv[1] ; shift ;
set flag = --fsgd
switch ( $flag )
switch ( --fsgd )
if ( $#argv == 0 ) goto arg1err
I am trying to run mris_preproc on a set of 22 subjects (specified in my
fsgd file), but the command only runs on the first subject listed in my
fsgd file, and none of the subsequent subjects.
I run the command:
mris_preproc --fsgd oa_txeffect_verum.fsgd --target fsaverage --hemi lh
--meas th