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Hi.  I am hoping someone out there can give me some advice on an analysis I'd 
like to try with our Freesurfer data.

We have data (1 mm isotropic MPRAGE at 3T) on healthy older individuals, and 
have run them through the Freesurfer pipeline, generating cortical volume and 
thickness measurements.  We are interested in studying the moderating effects 
of cortical atrophy on functional measures taken outside of the MRI.  Our 
hypothesis is that the difference between two different functional measures is 
moderated by cortical volume/thickness.  Thus it is really the interaction term 
= GM volume/thickness * task (binary 0/1) which we are after.

So, we have fixed effects = GM volume/thickness, task, GM*task, age, .... Other 
Random effects = subject.
Repeated measure = task

We have already run these analyses using mean cortical volume and thickness, as 
well as regional cortical volume and thickness in the PFC, and found very 
significant interaction effects.  We would now like to refine these analyses 
with VBM/SBA analysis.

I am hoping that someone can provide some guidance for us in terms of setting 
up such a model?

(This is different from the standard LME analyses in which the imaging measure 
is the dependent variable.  Here our dependent variable is our functional 
measure taken outside of the scanner, while the imaging measure - e.g. cortical 
thickness - is a moderating effect on the RHS of the equation.  I'm not sure 
why this couldn't be done on a voxel-wise or vertex-wise basis, but hopefully 
someone can enlighten me if I'm being overly naive).

Thanks in advance for the advice!

Mark Wagshul, PhD
Associate Professor
Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Bronx, NY 10461

Ph: 718-430-4011
FAX: 718-430-3399
Email: mark.wags...@einstein.yu.edu<mailto:mark.wags...@einstein.yu.edu>

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