External Email - Use Caution        

Dear FS developers,

I know how to use freeview to capture one static image and save it to a
file. For example, I can capture coronal view's slice 100 using this

freeview \
-v $SUBJECTS_DIR/$subjectid/mri/orig.mgz \
-f $SUBJECTS_DIR/$ subjectid /surf/lh.white:edgecolor='255,255,255' \
-f $SUBJECTS_DIR/$ subjectid /surf/lh.pial:edgecolor='0,0,255' \
-f $SUBJECTS_DIR/$ subjectid /surf/rh.white:edgecolor='255,255,255' \
-f $SUBJECTS_DIR/$ subjectid /surf/rh.pial:edgecolor='0,0,255' \
-viewsize 1024 1024 -viewport coronal --nocursor -zoom 1.5 \
-slice 127 127 *100 *-ss tmp/captued

My first question is: how can I capture all 256 coronal slices using one
freeview command? If I use a loop to run that above freeview command, it
would be very very slow, because it needs to load the volume and all
surfaces 256 times.

Do you have a method that allows me to load the volume and surfaces only
once and capture many images and save them?

My 2nd question is: do you have a method to capture images in the
background without needing to open the freeview GUI?

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