Hi, at long last we have an official release of 7.3. See the release notes can be found here: https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/ReleaseNotes and also copied below. Thanks to all who tested the beta version.

 * Bug fix when converting diffusion tensor data with a negative
   determinant from DICOM. There was a bug in the old code that made
   the bvecs incorrect in this case. The bvecs will now be correct
   regardless of whether you use the old code or the new -dcm2niix
   option (see below)
 * Bug fix: ability to fill in underlabeled ventricles. This is not
   done by default yet. To implement, add "-vent-fix -1 7000 1" to the
   mri_ca_label command line. This can be incorporated into recon-all
   by an expert options file with the line "mri_ca_label -vent-fix -1
   7000 1".
 * Bug fix: ability to force white matter (WM) between putamen and
   cortex. This is not done by default yet. To implement, add
   "-insert-wm-bet-putctx 1" to the mri_ca_label command line. This can
   be incorporated into recon-all by an expert options file with the
   line "mri_ca_label -insert-wm-bet-putctx 1". If you want to use both
   the ventricle fix and the WM insertion, then create a line
   "mri_ca_label -vent-fix -1 7000 1 -insert-wm-bet-putctx 1" to the
   expert options files

   Bug fix: improve surface placement in inferior frontal area near
   putamen. There are some cases where the white surface is not placed
   well in these areas because of the close proximity of putamen to
   cortex; it is probably the case that the surface is not well-defined
   in this region anyway, but the placement can be improved by creating
   an expert options file with the line "WhitePreAparc --rip-bg-no-annot"

 * Bug fix/New: ability to automatically edit the filled.mgz to remove
   voxels from amygdala and parts of hippocampus. These voxels can
   often cause topological defects that are not fixed properly. This is
   not done by default yet. To implement, create an expert options file
   with the line "mri_edit_wm_with_aseg -fix-scm-ha 1".

   Bug fix: cross hemisphere analysis (xhemi
   <https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/Xhemi>). In previous
   versions, the surface registration (surfreg) would use the
   annotation during the registration procedure which caused some
   misalignment. Now surfreg will require that you specify either
   --annot (old behavior) or --no-annot (new recommended). The errors
   are small, so, if you have an ongoing analysis, you can stick with
   the old behavior.

 * Global Expert options file. If you have a file called
   global-expert-options.txt in your $SUBJECTS_DIR, recon-all will
   automatically read in this file as an expert options file
 * Defect labels will now only encompass actual cortical areas. Before,
   they would also include vertices on the medial wall, which was not
   very useful
 * New: Conversion from DICOM can now be done with dcm2niix as a
   backend using -dcm2niix with either dcmunpack or mri_convert. This
   should give the same result as when using the old code except it
   will be much faster and can now handle all cases that dcm2niix can
   handle, including enhanced dicom. At some point, this will become
   the default method. Thanks to Chris Rorden and Yujing Huang for
   getting this working.
 * New: Gradient unwarping. There is a new program called
   mri_gradunwarp; you still have to supply the gradient unwarping
   spherical harmonics tables.

   New: Minimally Invasive Defacing tool (MiDeFace


   New: segment_subfields
   beta version new software to run subfield segmentation (hippocampus,
   amygdala, thalamic). The old software required matlab. The new tool
   is written in python but will not give exactly the same result but
   will be extremely close. Does not work with T2 yet.


   New: SynthStrip <https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/docs/synthstrip>
   deep learning tool to strip skulls


   New: ScLimbic <https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/ScLimbic>
   subcortical limbic deep learning segmentation tool


   New: HypothalamicSubunits
   deep learning segmentation of hypothalamic subunits


   New: SynthSeg <https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/SynthSeg>
   deep learning contrast-independent whole brain segmentation
   (including cortical parcellation)


   New: Segmentation-based (SB) cost function
   for multimodal registration in mri_robust_register

 * New: better version control. You can create a file called
   fs-allowed-versions.txt in $SUBJECTS_DIR with a list of allowable
   versions for your analysis. If this file exists, then both the
   current version of FS and the version listed in
   $subject/scripts/build-stamp.txt must be in the list for recon-all
   to proceed. This helps to prevent using different/incompatible
   versions of FS within the same analysis while allowing the mixture
   of compatible versions.
 * New: interface for X11 virtual frame buffer (fsxvfb). When you run
   freeview from fsxvfb, no X server is needed. This is good for taking
   a bunch of pictures when you don't want freeview popping up all the
   time. Eg, fsxvfb freeview orig.mgz -ss mypic.png --quit

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