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I also tried anther task-related fMRI, which has similar parameter, list as

  0  1  16  1  move

 17  0  16  1  blank

 33  2  16  1  static

 49  0  16  1  blank

 65  1  16  1

 81  0  16  1

 97  2  16  1

113  0  16  1

129  1  16  1

145  0  16  1

161  2  16  1

177  0  16  1

193  1  16  1

209  0  16  1

225  2  16  1

241  0  16  1

to build the contrast, i use the command
mkanalysis-sess -fsd bold -analysis odd.sm5.fsaverage.lh -surface fsaverage
lh -fwhm 5 -paradigm move-vs-static.par -event-related -spmhrf 0
-refeventdur 16 -TR 2 -nconditions 2 -polyfit 2 -per-run
mkcontrast-sess -analysis odd.sm5.fsaverage.lh -contrast MTlocalizer -a 1
-c 2 -nosumconds
the contrast matrix is [1 0; 0 -1], which is correct. However, the result
still show the activation the same with move-vs-blank. Every procedure was
finished with out error. I re-run many times but met the same problem.
Any idea what might be going wrong, or what I can do to fix such a
confusing problem? Thanks!!


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: xi star <starx...@gmail.com>
Date: 2019年1月9日周三 下午1:26
Subject: problem with contrast in 1st-level analysis
To: freesurfer <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>

Hi! FS Experts!
In the fMRI experiment, there are 2 conditions:
1#  3D picture
2#  zero disparity picture
 interleaved with fixation block (0).

To compare 3D-vs-zero disparity, I used command:
mkcontrast-sess -a 1 -c 2 -nosumconds
but the results showed more activation then expected. To find the problem, I
compared 3D-vs-fix (-a 1 -c 0), the result shows the same as 3D-vs-zero
My question is:
why the two contrast ( [1 0; 0 -1] and [1 0] ) came to the same result? How
can I compared the two conditions?
Thanks a lot !
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