Dear Anastasia,
Now I understand and it makes perfect sense! Thank you very much for your
Nasia Metoki
*Athanasia Metoki*
Psychology Doctoral Student - Brain and Cognitive Sciences Program
Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory
Temple University
Department of Psychology
1701 N 13th St.
Hi Nasia - They both have preprocessing steps because recon-all runs on
the T1 and trac-all runs on the DWIs, so they preprocess different images.
You cannot skip any of the steps in recon-all and still get a
segmentation. The point of the autorecon schemes is mostly to repeat only
one part
Dear Anastasia,
Thank you so much for responding so fast!
I see what you're saying and thank you for your input.
I have one more question if you don't mind taking a moment to respond. I
noticed that both trac-all and recon-all include some preprocessing steps
(eg. motion correction, eddy current
Hi Athanasia - TRACULA expects certains files named a certain way to be
there at the end of each preprocessing step. These are described here:
If you are using pre-existing files, you have to make sure that they
Dear Freesurfer Developers,
I am fairly new to image analysis and this is the first time I use
I have some DTI data and I have already preprocessed them and ran bedpostX
using FSL. I ran probabilistic tractography on FSL as well to get the
connectivity between two distinct brain areas