External Email - Use Caution        

Dear Freesurfer experts:

I am having trouble processing with recon-all the file I obtain with presurfer 
from an MP2RAGE. I don’t know if you have any experience with this. The data I 
obtained from this 

Then I use subject “fsm08un”. 

I run presurfer as in 

Then I run 

recon-all -all -i MPRAGEised_stripped.nii.gz -s fsm08un_MPRAGEised -openmp 8


****************TEMPLATE DEFORMATION****************

      second estimation of the COG coord: x=130,y=125, z=130, r=124102 
^^^^^^^^ couldn't find WM with original limits - expanding ^^^^^^

   GLOBAL      CSF_MIN=1, CSF_intensity=2, CSF_MAX=4 , nb = -1447023003
  RIGHT_CER    CSF_MIN=1, CSF_intensity=2, CSF_MAX=4 , nb = -1862269955
  LEFT_CER     CSF_MIN=1, CSF_intensity=2, CSF_MAX=4 , nb = -230683617
 RIGHT_BRAIN   CSF_MIN=1, CSF_intensity=2, CSF_MAX=4 , nb = 1409286624
 LEFT_BRAIN    CSF_MIN=1, CSF_intensity=2, CSF_MAX=4 , nb = 943723776
    OTHER      CSF_MIN=1, CSF_intensity=2, CSF_MAX=4 , nb = 943755195
mri_watershed Error: 
 GLOBAL region of the brain empty !
Darwin Renes-MacBook-Air.local 22.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.5.0: Thu Jun  8 
22:22:19 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.121.3~7/RELEASE_ARM64_T8103 arm64

recon-all -s fsm08un_MPRAGEised exited with ERRORS at Tue Aug  1 15:40:57 CEST 

For more details, see the log file 
To report a problem, see 

If you need the recon-all.log I can send it. 

Rene Andrade. 

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