Hi FreeSurfer experts, 

I have a question about two specific steps in my fc pipeline. Since my seed is 
a single vertex, I convert the seed label to a mask, which I then smooth and 
binarize, and then convert to a volume file for fcseed-sess. 

1) Is there way to directly convert a label into a cortical mask?

Right now I use mri_label2label to create an outmask

mri_label2label -s fsaverage -regmethod -surface -hemi -srclabel 
$SUBJECTS_DIR/{subject}/label/{label} -trglabel 
$SUBJECTS_DIR/{subject}/label/junk.label -outmask 
cd $SUBJECTS_DIR/{subject}/label
rm junk.label

Is there a way to do this where I do not have to create another label in order 
to make a mask?

2) I can't figure out how to convert a cortical mask to a volume file (that I 
can use in fcseed-sess) using stable 5.3. I've tried to use mri_convert to 
create a volume file, but fcseed-sess errors out using this vol file (0 
segmentations, core segmentation dumped)

The command I use is:
mri_convert $SUBJECTS_DIR/{subject}/mri/{mask} 

Currently, if I want to do this I need to switch to stable dev and run 
mri_surf2vol -so $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage1/surf/lh.pial 
$SUBJECTS_DIR/{subject}/mri/{mask} -subject fsaverage -o 

Is there a way that I can convert a surface mask to a useable volume for 
fcseed-sess in stable 5.3, rather than having to switch to stable dev?

Thank you for your help! 

Anais Rodriguez-Thompson        
Clinical Research Coordinator
Brain Genomics Laboratory
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Massachusetts General Hospital
Phone: (617) 643-3215
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