_*A 64-bit update to the NIfTI format*_

The NIfTI committee are proposing the creation of a NIfTI-2 format that 
is a very simple extension of the current NIfTI-1 format, but updated to 
allow 64-bit storage and addressing for large images and matrices.  
It is intended that this format:
 - will enable the storage of large images and matrices, with all 
dimensions being coded by 64-bit integers rather than the current 
limitation of 16-bit signed integers (which currently gives a 
restrictive 32767 size limit in each dimension)
 - will be very simple to implement and update software (a couple of 
hours coding or less generally)
 - contains the same information as a NIfTI-1 file (no new fields and 
all current fields still retained)
 - will support the existing file formats and naming: a .nii 
single-file, a .hdr/.img file-pair and their gzipped versions
 - has a very simple test (see below) to determine if the file is 
NIfTI-1 or NIfTI-2
 - does not replace NIfTI-1 in the short term but is supported alongside it

This announcement is intended for public comment.
Please post any comments on this NIfTI-2 proposal to the NITRC 
discussion list ( 
We ask that comments relating to larger-scale changes and requests for 
other types of format change be posted instead to a separate NITRC 
discussion list for more advanced neuroimaging formats 
_*Supporting software*_
 - AFNI, BrainVoyager, Caret, Fiswidgets, FreeSurfer, FSL, ITK, 
LONI-DIRAC, MRIcron, NiBabel and SPM have all agreed to support the 
NIfTI-2 version in their upcoming releases, but that NIfTI-1 will remain 
a default output, or a configurable default, in the short-term
 - the sourceforge supporting libraries in niftilib will be updated so 
that they seemlessly support both NIfTI-1 and NIfTI-2
 - conversion utilities to and from NIfTI-1 will be made available via 
sourceforge as well as in some of the software packages mentioned above

_*Changes to the header
*_The changes to the NIfTI header structure are the following:
   - short dim[8] becomes int64_t dim[8]
   - float intent_p1 becomes double intent_p1
   - float intent_p2 becomes double intent_p2
   - float intent_p3 becomes double intent_p3
   - float pixdim[8] becomes double pixdim[8]
   - float vox_offset becomes int64_t vox_offset
   - float scl_slope becomes double scl_slope
   - float scl_inter becomes double scl_inter
   - float cal_max becomes double cal_max
   - float cal_min becomes double cal_min
   - float slice_duration becomes double slice_duration
   - float toffset becomes double toffset
   - float quatern_b becomes double quatern_b
        and similarly 
for quatern_c, quatern_d, qoffset_x, qoffset_y, qoffset_z
   - float srow_x[4] becomes double srow_x[4]
        and similarly for srow_y[4], srow_z[4]
   - char magic[4] becomes char magic[8]
   - char unused_str[12] is added after char magic[8]
The order, size and type of all other fields remains unchanged.
The sizeof_hdr must store 556 for a NIfTI-2 file instead of 348 for NIfTI-1.
Extension information is still held in the first 4 bytes after this 
header (bytes 557-560) in the same way as in NIfTI-1.
Note that the total block size of 560 (header + 4 bytes) retains the 
16-byte alignment in NIfTI-1 (348+4=352), as needed for convenient 
The changes of float to double are generally made to allow for more 
accurate mapping of intensities or indices when dealing with very large 
arrays, and unused_str is added to ensure the 16-byte alignment holds.

This format is not, and cannot be, bit-wise compatible with the previous 
NIfTI-1 (or ANALYZE) formats and so will not work with existing NIfTI-1 
software directly. In the short term this can be solved via conversion 
utilities. A NIfTI-2 image will not be recognised as a valid NIfTI-1 
image by existing software and so no incorrect processing or analyses 
should occur. In the longer term most code should be very easily 
converted to work with both NIfTI-2 and NIfTI-1 by using the updated 
sourceforge libraries or making equivalent changes internally.  The 
change in format is intentionally very minimal and should be very easy 
to code.

*_Determining the NIfTI version_*
The following pseudo-code shows how a file can be tested to see: (a) if 
it is a NIfTI image file, (b) what version of NIfTI it is, and (c) 
whether byte-swapping is required.

read in the first 4 bytes from the file
let d = the content of these bytes, formatted as a 32-bit int
if (d==348) then it is a NIfTI-1 file, no byte-swapping required
else if (swap_4bytes(d)==348) then it is a NIfTI-1 file, but with 
byte-swapping required
else if (d==556) then it is a NIfTI-2 file, no byte-swapping required
else if (swap_4bytes(d)==556) then it is a NIfTI-2 file, but with 
byte-swapping required
else it is not a valid NIfTI file

if it passed the above then read in the remaining 344 or 552 bytes of 
the header into the appropriate NIfTI-1 or NIfTI-2 struct
double-check this is truly a valid NIfTI file by looking at dim[0] 
(should be between 0 and 7) and magic[] which should contain "ni1" or 
"n+1" followed by \0 for NIfTI-1, and "ni2" or "n+2" followed by \0 and 
4 extra signature bytes for NIfTI-2

*_Magic Signature_*
The magic string is expanded to 8 bytes with the first 4 bytes 
containing ones of the strings "ni2" or "n+2", terminated with \0.  The 
next four bytes form a magic signature much the same as used by the PNG 
format (, to detect for file 
transfer errors involving newline characters.  The extra four bytes are 
the same as the last four in the PNG format - that 
is: |\r| |\n| |\032| |\n (||0D| |0A| |1A| |0A|)
The magic string will have a different offset from the start of the file 
in NIfTI-1 and NIfTI-2 (344 and 536 bytes respectively).

Barring any unknown unknowns or unforseeable unforseen problems, it is 
intended to begin rolling out this format in practice in March-April 
2011.  Example datasets will also be provided soon.

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