External Email - Use Caution        



A position is available starting *Spring/Summer 2021* in the Comprehensive
Pediatric Epilepsy Program at Children’s National Hospital affiliated with
George Washington University in Washington DC (Polerlab.org
 This position involves the application of
state-of-the-art functional and structural MRI imaging methods applied in
clinical research. The candidate will apply methods previously developed
but not used in epilepsy as well as develop novel computational imaging
methods. Our aim is to apply sophisticated approaches to answer clinical
questions (e.g, identify seizure focus; develop sensitive MRI metrics of
cognitive reorganization; examine pre- and post-surgical changes
structurally and functionally to build sensitive predictive models).

The candidate will have the opportunity to initiate his/her own research
projects, mine existing data, and collaborate with a multidisciplinary team
including neurologists, neurosurgeon, neuropsychologists, fellows, graduate
students, and undergraduate research assistants.

Candidate qualifications and educational background are flexible and the
position will be tailored accordingly. We prefer a postdoctoral level;
however, will consider an advanced graduate student. An early career
faculty position is an option as well. Appointments are for two years
minimum, renewable upon mutual agreement. Candidates should have graduate
school training in engineering, neuroscience, computational, or other
biological sciences. Experience with computer programming and image
processing is essential. Familiarity with fMRI analysis software including
SPM, FSL, AFNI, and Freesurfer, as well as programming environments such as
MATLAB or Python is highly desirable. Children’s National Hospital is an
equal opportunity employer. Full-time employees receive full benefits,
competitive salaries, and excellent resources for career development.

To apply, please send a letter describing research interests and
experience, curriculum vita, and names and contact information of three
references to William Gaillard, MD at wgail...@childrensnational.org and
Madison Berl, PhD at mb...@childrensnational.org.
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