Hi all,

Two questions:

First, does Freeview currently support flatmaps, or -patch support still in

Second, I notice some different behavior between tksurfer and freeview
*surface overlays. In tksurfer, we were able to plot volume overlays to
surfaces by specifying a registration file, e.g.
*   tksurfer <subjID> <hemi> inflated -overlay
<funcdir>bold/<analysis>/<contrast>/<result>.nii -overlay-reg
though care must be taken to specify the registration, since
*   tksurfer <subjID> <hemi> inflated -overlay
alone shows the intersection of the volume with the surface, rather than
mapping the volume to the surface as desired.

When I try to replicate this in freeview, by calling
*   freeview -f
I continue to get something that looks like an intersection, rather than a
mapping.  I can get around this by separately painting the volumes to
surfaces, but if there's a way to view the data in one step, this is more



*stephen v. shepherd   phd*
The Rockefeller University / 1230 York Avenue / New York NY 10065-6307 USA
// 212.327.7620
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