When you say movement "correction" here I'm assuming you mean including regressors. I don't have anything that will compute the 24 regressors you mention. But if you have something that will, you can create a table that has a row for each time point and 24 columns, then pass it to mkanalysis-sess with -nuisreg filename.txt 24

On 1/18/2022 2:00 AM, std...@virgilio.it wrote:

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Hi list,
in functional connectivity assessment by FS-FAST, is possible to do movement correction using 24 movement parameters including derivatives or stick regressors to remove the volumes for which the FD value (framewise displacement) is superior to 0.5 mm (see Tapas procedures for physiological noise correction in Frassle et al., 2021 *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to be* https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.680811) <https://secure-web.cisco.com/19GvmE_VjebaugWB4X8sbjJje0pY5b_NU8J63aVJIrlpYMHJy5h8VfwCe1tF0_qX4Z_6TzSHbT81PVZQH1jJvYO8GPV4cTxSYbg7NTJmLced1YPtLJuTYaeoEm1qieq08z4nHCfV5_eU3tAh9i9BXGq4YgmBa9pUrIpkGEJzEuQ0Ij_A_M1X3onyWdeFEED_g8w7wa6trEOTCwa6hRR69qGY6ICx6Zn_LPqOiz2py6557hOt-UpN7IbPjB-DhF5vB_Wy8O7s8uRXuHkgTgI9jf0kLtguGpESg6c3CAxX0aTXs_wYJnPpcr47lU_QArb4k60YX5brwXrKHUEtnW-ASZA/https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.3389%2Ffpsyt.2021.680811>.



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