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Is this for PPMI project? We can provide total hippo volumes if needed.

> On Jul 31, 2019, at 1:48 AM, eric f <e...@icsi.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> I don't think it will take 20h, probably more like 10-12h, so that's 
> only 1.5 years:). Most people who are running it that many data sets 
> have access to a computational cluster (on ours it would only take a few 
> weeks). Alternatively, you can try buying cloud-based computational 
> power (eg, amazon web services).
>> On 7/30/19 4:56 PM, Jiajun Luo wrote:
>>         External Email - Use Caution
>> Hi,
>> Now I have T1 and T2 images (dcm files) and want to calculate the 
>> hippocampal volume. I find it takes ~20h to run recon-all -all and 
>> then ~40min to run -hippocampal-subfields-T1. However, I need to 
>> calculate the hippocampal volume for more than 1,000 individuals 
>> (which means it may take ~3 years to complete). Do you know how I can 
>> improve my efficiency?
>> Thank you!
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