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On Fri, April 8, 2005 7:31 pm, Rob Shortt said:
> TC Wan wrote:
>> I rebuilt pyepg, then found out that the epg_schema.sql is not
>> automatically included in the build. I'm putting additional install
>> commands in my SPEC file to add the SQL script.
"Tanja Striepling" wrote:
> Thanks for your answer, unfortunately it is not working, or at least
> I am not able to figure out how it should work...
I just tried, here a working version to import plugins.file_ops from a
| import imp
| import sys
| fp, pathname, description = imp.find_
In code src/config.py:523 Frevo 1.5.3
if len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1] == '--force-fs':
use string --force-fs, but anyplace code use '-force-fs'.
Vlad Vasiliev
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