[Freevo-devel] Toggle item in menu

2006-02-02 Thread TheHog
Hi, I'm writing a plugin for freevo. One of the menu items should be a toggle item, i.e. it should switch between "disabled" and "enabled". i cannot figure out how this can best be done. Could you please give a short description? What I try to achieve is: - a menu item is "option enabled"by defau

Re: [Freevo-devel] Re: TVtime crash in the background -> Still no response PLEASE HELP!

2006-02-02 Thread Karl Lattimer
Cheers Dischi,I found that in tvtime on childapp init stop_osd was being set to 1 which then causes pygame.display.quit to be called in osd.py, I think (and i'm no expert) that whoever wrote this bit, decided to stop the OSD because only one app can access it at a time, it seems that because tvtime

[Freevo-devel] Re: TVtime crash in the background -> Still no response PLEASE HELP!

2006-02-02 Thread Dirk Meyer
Karl Lattimer wrote: > is there a way I can trace this? So I know where in the osd code i > should be looking. you can 'import traceback' at the beginning of osd.py and before the crash, you can print traceback.print_stack() (or similar). > How do I find out why pygame isn't active? Is there a me

Re: [Freevo-devel] Re: TVtime crash in the background -> Still no response PLEASE HELP!

2006-02-02 Thread Karl Lattimer
is there a way I can trace this? So I know where in the osd code i should be looking. How do I find out why pygame isn't active? Is there a method of getting pygame to put out some error message when it becomes inactive? Cheers, K On 2 Feb 2006, at 20:22, Dirk Meyer wrote: Karl Lattime

[Freevo-devel] Re: TVtime crash in the background -> Still no response PLEASE HELP!

2006-02-02 Thread Dirk Meyer
Karl Lattimer wrote: > Any ideas where I should look to fix it? > > i.e. prevent it from drawing to the screen at all while tvtime is > running? No. The question is why this is happening. Check osd.py. There should be code to prevent drawing when pygame is not active. Check _why_ pygame is not act

[Freevo-devel] Re: TVtime crash in the background -> Still no response PLEASE HELP!

2006-02-02 Thread Dirk Meyer
Karl Lattimer wrote: > When I start tvtime after a few minutes freevo crashes and leaves > tvtime running. This is the third time I've posted this message, now > trying the devel list because it seems like a pretty major thing. > > I've tried hacking around a little in all of the modules mentioned

Re: [Freevo-devel] Re: TVtime crash in the background -> Still no response PLEASE HELP!

2006-02-02 Thread Karl Lattimer
Any ideas where I should look to fix it? i.e. prevent it from drawing to the screen at all while tvtime is running? On 2 Feb 2006, at 20:06, Dirk Meyer wrote: Karl Lattimer wrote: When I start tvtime after a few minutes freevo crashes and leaves tvtime running. This is the third time I've

[Freevo-devel] TVtime crash in the background -> Still no response PLEASE HELP!

2006-02-02 Thread Karl Lattimer
When I start tvtime after a few minutes freevo crashes and leaves tvtime running. This is the third time I've posted this message, now trying the devel list because it seems like a pretty major thing. I've tried hacking around a little in all of the modules mentioned but I still can't find