[Freevo-devel] possible 1.8.2 bug

2008-08-25 Thread Evan Hisey
I am not getting the games entery in the main menu any more with freevo 1.8.2. The games plugin is listed as active by freevo in the freevo plugins -l list. It does not show up as being loaded in teh log files. HAs the set up for the games entery been change form the 1.7.5? Evan

[Freevo-devel] [ANNOUNCE] Release 1.7.9 and 1.8.2

2008-08-25 Thread Duncan Webb
Hello all freevoers, Announcing that the new releases of Freevo-1.7.9 and Freevo-1.8.2 are available for downloading from sourceforge.net, http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=46652 First and foremost a real big thanks to everyone who has contributed to the development of the Fre