On 14-01-21 03:33 AM, Meine, Hans wrote:
> I still admire the coroutine things in kaa, a concept I had some difficulties 
> to get my head around, but which I really love.

You might be interested to know (and I was delighted to learn about this
a bit over a year ago now) that as of Python 3.4, the asyncio module in
Python along with PEP 3156 has implemented most of what kaa.base sought
to accomplish with its core asynchronous framework.

I'm pretty sure I'm on the record here and elsewhere in saying that
every language needs a standardized event loop and some kind of Future
object (kaa calls it InProgress) to make a proper asynchronous
ecosystem.  PEP 3156 does all that and goes further by defining
coroutines and ensuring the event loop has a built-in coroutine trampoline.

And so it's with great satisfaction that I can declare kaa.base obsoleted.

There are a few pieces of kaa.base that are still useful that haven't
been obsoleted, like the object database abstraction (which solves a
certain class of problem efficiently), and the openssl wrapper, which is
still more featureful than the batteries included module.

But the fundamental goal of the core framework [1] is now supplanted by
asyncio (aka Tulip) in Python 3.4.  I expect we will see a flourishing
community of interoperable async libraries now, and that's the best
result I could have hoped for, even if Kaa didn't have anything to do
with it (although Guido did look at Kaa in the early days to see if
there were ideas worth stealing).

As for Freevo itself, yes, I've basically moved onto xbmc, which has for
some time now sufficiently scratched the itches that brought me to
Freevo over 10 years ago.  My day job leaves me little personal hacking
time, and when I have it, there are more far more annoying itches to
scratch nowadays, given the modern landscape of open source HTPC
software available for Linux.  That too is a positive result. :)


[1] http://api.freevo.org/kaa-base/index.html#core-framework

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