Update of /cvsroot/freevo/freevo/src/tv/plugins
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv25307

Modified Files:
Log Message:
remove childthread use new childapp2 class

Index: tvtime.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/freevo/freevo/src/tv/plugins/tvtime.py,v
retrieving revision 1.23
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -C2 -d -r1.23 -r1.24
*** tvtime.py   3 Dec 2003 20:40:34 -0000       1.23
--- tvtime.py   10 Dec 2003 20:40:57 -0000      1.24
*** 10,13 ****
--- 10,16 ----
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  # $Log$
+ # Revision 1.24  2003/12/10 20:40:57  mikeruelle
+ # remove childthread use new childapp2 class
+ #
  # Revision 1.23  2003/12/03 20:40:34  mikeruelle
  # a hack for those who do not use freevo -fs
*** 376,381 ****
      def __init__(self):
-         self.thread = childapp.ChildThread()
-         self.thread.stop_osd = True
          self.tuner_chidx = 0    # Current channel, index into config.TV_CHANNELS
          self.app_mode = 'tv'
--- 379,382 ----
*** 486,490 ****
          # Start up the TV task
!         self.thread.start(TVTimeApp, (command))        
          self.prev_app = rc.app() # ???
--- 487,491 ----
          # Start up the TV task
!         self.app=TVTimeApp(command)        
          self.prev_app = rc.app() # ???
*** 515,519 ****
              mixer.setIgainVolume(0) # Input on emu10k cards.
!         self.thread.stop('quit\n')
--- 516,520 ----
              mixer.setIgainVolume(0) # Input on emu10k cards.
!         self.app.stop('quit\n')
*** 532,552 ****
              if event == em.TV_CHANNEL_UP:
!                 self.thread.app.setchannel('UP')
!                 self.thread.app.setchannel('DOWN')
              return True
          elif event == em.TOGGLE_OSD:
!             self.thread.app.write('DISPLAY_INFO\n')
              return True
          elif event == em.BUTTON:
            if re.search('^\d+$', event.arg) and int(event.arg) in range(10):
!                 self.thread.app.write('CHANNEL_%s\n' % event.arg)
                  return True
              if event.arg == 'PREV_CH':
!                 self.thread.app.write('CHANNEL_PREV\n')
                  return True
--- 533,553 ----
              if event == em.TV_CHANNEL_UP:
!                 self.app.setchannel('UP')
!                 self.app.setchannel('DOWN')
              return True
          elif event == em.TOGGLE_OSD:
!             self.app.write('DISPLAY_INFO\n')
              return True
          elif event == em.BUTTON:
            if re.search('^\d+$', event.arg) and int(event.arg) in range(10):
!                 self.app.write('CHANNEL_%s\n' % event.arg)
                  return True
              if event.arg == 'PREV_CH':
!                 self.app.write('CHANNEL_PREV\n')
                  return True
*** 557,561 ****
  # ======================================================================
! class TVTimeApp(childapp.ChildApp):
      class controlling the in and output from the tvtime process
--- 558,562 ----
  # ======================================================================
! class TVTimeApp(childapp.ChildApp2):
      class controlling the in and output from the tvtime process
*** 579,583 ****
                  print 'TVTime logging to "%s" and "%s"' % (fname_out, fname_err)
!         childapp.ChildApp.__init__(self, app)
--- 580,584 ----
                  print 'TVTime logging to "%s" and "%s"' % (fname_out, fname_err)
!         childapp.ChildApp2.__init__(self, app)

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