I just finished adding xpdf to the games menu to read som dox in freevo. Not
optimal, but actually works OK.

I played some nice tune and thought to detach itandlisten to it while I read
some pdf. However, freevo crashed;

Spoiler; AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'playerGUI'


mplayer.py (186): MPlayer.play(): Starting thread, cmd=['--prio=-20',
'/usr/bin/mplayer', '-slave', '-autosync', '100', '-nolirc', '-autoq',
'100', '-screenw', '800', '-screenh', '600', '-fs', '-vo', 'null', '-ao',
'oss:/dev/dsp', '', '-demuxer', '17', '', '', '/media/music/Chill/Aqua
Bassino - Pools/01 - Time to Go.mp3']
main.py (369): popen2 ['/usr/bin/mplayer', '-slave', '-autosync', '100',
'-nolirc', '-autoq', '100', '-screenw', '800', '-screenh', '600', '-fs',
'-vo', 'null', '-ao', 'oss:/dev/dsp', '-demuxer', '17',
'/media/music/Chill/Aqua Bassino - Pools/01 - Time to Go.mp3']
self.t1.isAlive()=True, self.t2.isAlive()=True
ChildApp.__init__(), pid=1767, app=/usr/bin/mplayer -slave -autosync 100
-nolirc -autoq 100 -screenw 800 -screenh 600 -fs -vo null -ao oss:/dev/dsp
-demuxer 17 /media/music/Chill/Aqua Bassino - Pools/01 - Time to Go.mp3,
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/main.py", line 521, in
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/main.py", line 394, in
line 66, in detach
    gui   = plugin.getbyname(plugin.AUDIO_PLAYER).playerGUI
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'playerGUI'
Stopping webserver plugin.
1 child(s) still running, terminate them
shutting down /usr/bin/mplayer -slave -autosync 100 -nolirc -autoq 100
-screenw 800 -screenh 600 -fs -vo null -ao oss:/dev/dsp -demuxer 17
/media/music/Chill/Aqua Bassino - Pools/01 - Time to Go.mp3
childapp.py (278): childapp: killing pid 1767 signal 15
childapp.py (284): childapp: Before wait(1767)
childapp.py (299): childapp: After wait()



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