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I finally managed to get my FlyTV Prime34 IR Remote working with Freevo.
It's a rather complicated process, primarily due to the fact that the IR
remote events are not recognized directly by lirc but are instead
processed at the input layer of the kernel. My config is Fedora Core 2,
lirc 0.7.0, Freevo 1.5.3.

The following information is probably not relevant to you unless you're
using a newer TV capture card with bundled remote and one of the
bytesex.org drivers (merged into kernel 2.6.x).

The FlyTV Prime34 is a saa7134 based device, and the saa7134 driver from
bytesex.org provides the IR remote events via /dev/input/eventX, where X
can be determined via 'cat /proc/bus/input/devices' or else using the
lsinput utility found in the 'input-XXX.tar.gz' (snapshot) package from
the same site. In my case, it's event2.

1. Get lirc 0.7.0 or newer.
lirc must be compiled to use "devinput" input device, or "any" to
include all other devices. See http://linux.bytesex.org/v4l2/faq.html

The lirc-0.7.0-1_fc2.i386.rpm from freevo.sourceforge.net was built with
'devinput' support only.

2. Modify the lircd startup script according to directions in
http://linux.bytesex.org/v4l2/faq.html. In my case, I had to change
/etc/init.d/lircd in the start() function, to start lircd as follows:
~   daemon lircd -H dev/input -d /dev/input/event2

3. Create /etc/lircd.conf. There's a sample file in /usr/share/doc/lirc-0.7.0/linux-input-layer-lircd.conf that defines the relevant keys. However, it is missing a critical "bits 32" configuration option at the beginning.

Hence, copy /usr/share/doc/lirc-0.7.0/linux-input-layer-lircd.conf to
/etc/lircd.conf, and modify the file to add the following:

begin remote
~    name linux-input-layer
~    bits 32                #### This was missing!!!
~    begin codes
~    ...

4. Create a lircrc file for freevo in /etc/freevo/
You can use the makelircrc script in freevo to generate this.
'freevo makelircrc' to display the mappings, and 'freevo makelircrc -w'
to create the /etc/freevo/lircrc file.

5. Load the TV card driver if it's not loaded already, to enable the IR
input layer event handler.

e.g., modprobe saa7134

You can test the input layer event handler using 'input-events' from the
input*.gz tools (snapshot) package from bytesex.org

e.g., 'input-events 2' for input event device 2

6. Make sure the lirc daemon is started, either automatically (configure
via ntsysv or other tools), or manually '/etc/init.d/lircd start'

At this point, the IR remote buttons should be recognizable by lirc, and
events can be tested using 'ircat --config=/etc/freevo/lircrc freevo'

6. Customization of events mapping for freevo.


- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
I'm stuck at #6. From looking at event.py, it appears that I'd need to
do some remapping of the available events to what Freevo expects.
For example, the Channel + & - buttons on my remote generates CHANNELUP
and CHANNELDOWN, whereas freevo expects CH+ and CH-. This can be
remapped easily enough in /etc/freevo/lircrc. However, I'm lacking other
buttons such as UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, though I have the numeric keypad
keys. (In X11, they behave as arrow keys if NUMLOCK is disengaged, but
as numeric keys if NUMLOCK is enabled.)

1. Is it possible to do the event remapping by putting the new key
definitions for the entire table in /etc/freevo/local_config.py or do I
need to change event.py directly?

It'd be good if there's a way to override the default key mappings
(e.g., the MENU_EVENTS table, to replace 'LEFT' with 'KP4') without
modifying event.py to cater for remotes with less keys.

2. I'm really looking forward to Freevo 2.0 event handling which can
interface directly to the input layer. However, I don't quite understand
the format of the keymap table in src/input/evdev_keymaps.py that Rob
Shortt has created. Where do I get the event values?

- ----
Wan Tat Chee (Senior Lecturer)
School of Computer Sciences, Univ. of Science Malaysia,
11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.      Rm.625 Ofc Ph: +604 653-3888 x 3617
NRG Lab Admin: +604 659-4757           Rm.601-F Ofc Ph: +604 653-4396
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            Web: http://nrg.cs.usm.my/~tcwan
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