I have found several plugins that appear to add a "Weather Forecast"
entry to the main freevo menu and I'm not sure which I should use.

There appears to be a "weather" plugin, a "weatherdata" plugin and..
took me a while to find it a "oneclick" plugin.

I eventually set up the "oneclick.py" and this seems to work OK -
configured it to display the weather here on Long Island, NY.. as well
as the UK (London), Shanghai, China.. Buenos Aires, Lima, Peru, Paris,
France, etc. and the only glitch appears that for all of these, the last
step when I arrow down through the successive screens should display the
radar map. For all of the above, a "Radar Map for xxxxxx" message is
displayed and and error message that reads: "error encountered while
trying to download weather map". 

I do get a transient message "Fetching radar map for xxxxxx" when I hit
the space bar to refresh the display.

Is there any way I could fix this, or if not, altogether skip the
display of this last screen?

Is the "radar map" url incorrect in the plugin source?



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