I started using Freevo (CVS) on my TV using a DXR3 card and have the problem that in certain menus the screen is not displayed or not displayed correctly. First let me say that the DXR3 card works fine in playing movies and music. The boot window and main menu always work fine as well. The problem lies in some of the menu screens. I've searched the archive for similar problems but didn't find anything.
My problem is that when browsing the directory with my mp3 files, freevo is only updating the screen when I select a directory which does not have a cover.jpg file in it. As soon as there is a cover file in it, something goes wrong in "updating" the screen. This is true for the Blurr screen, others like the Blurr2 screen doesn't show anything at all.
If I remove the cover files from each directory I can scroll through the list of directories. showing the default folder images. The strange thing is that when I select "recursive random play directory" on my music directory containing all CDs in its subdirectories, each album is played along with a picture of the cover next to it. So there doesn't seem to be a problem with the actual cover file.
I've got a similar problem with the new weather plugin. The first two pages are shown correctly, the one with the four day forecast or the satellite image is not shown.
Showing pictures doesn't work at all
When switching the X11 I don't have any of these problems, so it must be because of the DXR3 card.
I'm using the CVS version of SDL12 and freevo on suse9.0 and a 700 MHz celeron.
Hoping somebody has some idea that can point me in the right direction because the DXR3 output looks way better on my TV than the video card output.

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