I can not play a DVD/VCD with freevo-1.5.2-1_fc2.rpm on Fedora Core 3,
python 2.3.4, output to XOrg with the VESA driver.

In fstab I have:
/dev/hdc                /media/cdrecorder       auto
0 0

and in a shell, I can mount DVDs/VCDs ok, also as the user freevo is
running as.

When I put "ROM_DRIVES = None" into my local_conf.py, freevo doesn't
detect my drive at all, I can't see an entry under "Watch a movie".

When I configure "ROM_DRIVES = [( '/dev/hdc', '/media/cdrecorder', 'DVD'
)]" instead, I see a "Drive DVD (no disc)" entry under "Watch a Movie" no
matter whether the DVD was mounted or not beforehand, whether there is a
disc in the drive or not. If I select this entry, I always get a "No
action defined for this choice! [OK]" dialog-box.

"MMPYTHON_DEBUG=2 mminfo /media/cdrecorder/" shows the correct structure
of the DVD inserted...

I suspect there's some sort of bug in the CD-ROM handling as I also get 1
or 2 bugs during startup which seem related:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/plugins/rom_drives.py",
line 348, in move_tray
    s = ioctl(fd, CDROMCLOSETRAY)
IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument
Exception in thread Thread-2:
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 436, in __bootstrap
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/plugins/rom_drives.py",
line 741, in run
    if video.hash_fxd_movie_database() == 0:
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/video/__init__.py", line
258, in hash_fxd_movie_database
    k = vfs.splitext(vfs.basename(info.files.fxd_file))[0]
AttributeError: Container instance has no attribute 'files'


PGP-Key:  http://www.hajo.net/hajonet/keys/pgpkey_hajo.txt

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