With my Xbox-Linux In-Car Freevo system working perfectly for over a
year now, (http://www.target-earth.net), I thought it would be time to
catch up with the latest release and give it a whirl on some old
hardware I had spare.

CPU: Athlon XP 1700
RAM: 512Mb PC2100
HDD: 40GB Maxtor Diamondmax 8
GFX: ATI Rage 128 RF 32Mb
GFX: Creative DXR3 (from the old Encore 6X DVD pack)
SND: C-Media something-or-other
DISPLAY: Svideo connection to PAL/PAL60 capable TV
DISTRO: vanilla SuSE 8.0

Initially, I tried getting the TV out of the Rage 128 working, but
anytime I changed video modes (i.e into X, or into vesa FB mode) the
output would become disabled, even with 'atitvout' in .xinitrc to try
and re-enable the screen - console mode was fine, however. Weird.

Anyway, I gave up on that and came across my old DXR3 card - and after
scanning back through the lists - found that it could now be used with
SDL; the last time I tried using it in Linux was several years ago when
the green screen problem hadn't been fixed.

So, got SDL 1.2.6, ffmpeg and the em8300 drivers setup. Patches applied,
configure.in edited, compiled, no problems!

Mplayer works excellently with -vo dxr, and after managing to mess the
version of SDL up in runtime/dll(!), so did Freevo - though I removed
all of the mplayer command line options that Freevo passes to mplayer,
instead relying on .mplayer/config ... for some reason, the
oss://dev/em8300_ma-0 audio device was not getting passed to the mplayer
slave process.

So, I've got Freevo working great on the DXR3 svideo out, mplayer
playing my music and vids over the same (and the em8300_ma-0 audio
device). The problem that I have now, however, is that other SDL
applications, like XMAME don't seem to like this DXR3 output device
version of SDL. XMAME (0.77.1) in particular complains about 'SDL:
Vidmode_8 in Video16', or words to that effect.

For the life of me I can't seem find anyway around this problem... Any

 John Snowdon - IT Support Specialist
 Faculty of Medical Sciences Computing Dept
 School of Medical Education Development
 University of Newcastle

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