
All function of freevo work well

especially for games , mame , snes , psx (iso) , gameboy , game launch without problem

but there is a problem :

for psx ( epsxe-1.52) memcards seem to be in read only ( permission are ok)
for zsnes the .srm file in my ~/.zsnes present the same problem

if I launch emulator in a term without freevo , all is ok read/write save game un srm or memcards

my freevo is lauching by a script trigger by irexec :

xrandr -s 800x600
amixer sset Line,0 50%,50% unmute
xterm -e freevo
xrandr -s 0

with xterm -e freevo or just freevo there is no difference ( I do this test for environment variable)

somebody to help me ? this is very hard to loose 3 hours of final fantasy :)

(If I save/load state in zsnes that ok , state are .zst file in ~/.zsnes/ but for epsxe I have no solution)


ps: excuse me for my english , I am french

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