I am trying to record using the composite input.
I can not find any info about it any where
could someone point me in the right direction?

the recordserver output is

"2005/10/08 21:54 EDT [*RecordServer*] Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/twisted/python/log.py", line 52, in callWithContext
            return context.call({ILogContext: newCtx}, func, *args, **kw)
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/twisted/python/context.py", line 43, in callWithContext
            return func(*args,**kw)
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/twisted/internet/default.py", line 126, in run
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/twisted/internet/default.py", line 134, in mainLoop
        --- <exception caught here> ---
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/twisted/internet/base.py", line 423, in runUntilCurrent
            call.func(*call.args, **call.kw)
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/helpers/recordserver.py", line 908, in minuteCheck
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/helpers/recordserver.py", line 499, in checkToRecord
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/tv/plugins/generic_record.py", line 95, in Record
            frequency = self.fc.chanSet(str(rec_prog.tunerid), 'record plugin')
        exceptions.AttributeError: TvProgram instance has no attribute 'tunerid'

2005/10/08 22:17 EDT [*RecordServer*] Received SIGTERM, shutting down.
2005/10/08 22:17 EDT [twisted.web.server.Site] (Port 18001 Closed)
2005/10/08 22:17 EDT [twisted.web.server.Site] Stopping factory <twisted.web.server.Site instance at 0xb639566c>
2005/10/08 22:17 EDT [*RecordServer*] Main loop terminated."

I hope you do not mind the whole file as I have no idea where the problem may be.
My loacl_conf file is


# ======================================================================
# General freevo settings:
# ======================================================================

AUDIO_DEVICE = '/dev/dsp1' # e.g.: /dev/dsp0, /dev/audio, /dev/alsa/? AUDIO_INPUT_DEVICE = '/dev/dsp1' # e.g.: /dev/dsp0, /dev/audio, /dev/alsa/? MAJOR_AUDIO_CTRL = 'VOL' # Freevo takes control over one audio ctrl
                                       # 'VOL', 'PCM' 'OGAIN' etc.
CONTROL_ALL_AUDIO = 1 # Should Freevo take complete control of audio MAX_VOLUME = 90 # Set what you want maximum volume level to be.
DEFAULT_VOLUME      = 40              # Set default volume level.
# TV_IN_VOLUME = 60 # Set this to your preferred level 0-100.
# VCR_IN_VOLUME       = 90              # If you use different input from TV
DEV_MIXER           = '/dev/mixer'    # mixer device

START_FULLSCREEN_X = 0 # Start in fullscreen mode if using x11 or xv.

CONFIRM_SHUTDOWN    = 1               # ask before shutdown

# Physical ROM drives, multiple ones can be specified
# by adding comma-seperated and quoted entries.
# Format [ ('mountdir1', 'devicename1', 'displayed name1'),
#          ('mountdir2', 'devicename2', 'displayed name2'), ...]
# Set to None to autodetect drives in during startup from /etc/fstab,
# set to [] to disable rom drive support at all

# Hide discs from the wrong menu (e.g. VCDs in audio menu) and empty discs.

# Attempt to set the speed of the ROM drive. A good value for keeping the
# drive silent while playing movies is 8.

# Perform a whole system shutdown at SHUTDOWN! Useful for standalone boxes.

# You can add more keybindings by adding them to the correct hash.
# e.g. If you want to send 'contrast -100' to mplayer by pressing the '1' key,
# just add the following line:
# EVENTS['video']['1'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='contrast -100')
# See src/event.py for a list of all possible events.

# Use arrow keys for back and select (alternate way of navigating)

# Keymap to map keyboard keys to event strings. You can also add new keys
# here, e.g. KEYMAP[key.K_x] = 'SUBTITLE'. The K_-names are defined by pygame.

# Use Internet resources to fetch information?
# For example, Freevo can use CDDB for album information,
# the IMDB movie database for movie info, and Amazon for cover searches.
# Set this to 0 if your computer isn't connected to a network.

# Directory location to save files when the normal filesystem
# doesn't allow saving. This directory can save covers and fxd files
# for read only filesystems like ROM drives. Set this variable to your
# old MOVIE_DATA_DIR if you have one. It needs to be set to a directory
# Freevo can write to.
# OVERLAY_DIR = os.path.join(FREEVO_CACHEDIR, 'vfs')

# Umask setting for all files.
# 022 means only the user has write access. If you share your Freevo
# installation with different users, set this to 002
# UMASK = 022

# Suffix for playlist files
# PLAYLIST_SUFFIX = [ 'm3u' ]

# Use md5 in mmpython to create unique disc ids. Enable this if you have
# problems with different discs having the same id.

# Keep metadata in memory
# Setting this variable will keep all cache files in memory. Startup will be
# slower, but for large directories, this will speed up the display.
# 0 = Only keep current dir in memory. Use this if you have too much data
#     and not enough RAM
# 1 = Once loaded, keep cachefile for directory in memory
# 2 = Load all cachefiles on startup
# WARNING: you should not run 'freevo cache' when freevo is running.

# Cache images. This uses a lot of disc space but it's a huge speed
# enhancement. The images will be cached in OVERLAY_DIR

# ======================================================================
# Plugins:
# ======================================================================
# plugin.remove('tv.mplayer')
# plugin.activate('tv.tvtime')
# Remove undesired plugins by setting plugin.remove(code).
# You can also use the name to remove a plugin. But if you do that,
# all instances of this plugin will be removed.
# Examples:
# plugin.remove(plugin_tv) or
# plugin.remove('tv') will remove the tv module from the main menu
# plugin.remove(rom_plugins['image']) will remove the rom drives from the
#   image main menu,
# plugin.remove('rom_drives.rom_items') will remove the rom drives from all
#   menus
# See freevo_config.py for a list of loaded plugins

# Use ivtv_record instead if you have an ivtv based card (PVR-250/350)
# and want freevo to do everthing for you. TV_SETTINGS must be set
# correctly. To use you need to set the following two lines:
# plugin.remove('tv.generic_record')
# plugin_record = plugin.activate('tv.ivtv_record')

# Enable this for joystick support:
# plugin.activate('joy')

# ======================================================================
# Freevo directory settings:
# ======================================================================

# You can change all this variables in the folder.fxd on a per folder
# basis
# Example:
# <freevo>
#   <folder title="Title of the directory" img-cover="nice-cover.png">
#     <setvar name="directory_autoplay_single_item" val="0"/>
#     <info>
#       <content>A small description of the directory</content>
#     </info>
#   </folder>
# </freevo>

# Should directories sorted by date instead of filename?
# 0 = No, always sort by filename.
# 1 = Yes, sort by date
# 2 = No, don't sory by date for normal directories,
#     but sort by date for TV_RECORD_DIR.

# Should directory items be sorted in reverse order?

# Should we use "smart" sorting?
# Smart sorting ignores the word "The" in item names.

# Should Freevo autoplay an item if only one item is in the directory?

# Force the skin to use a specific layout number. -1 == no force. The layout
# toggle with DISPLAY will be disabled

# Format string for the audio item names.
# Possible strings:
# a = artist, n = tracknumber, t = title, y = year, f = filename
# Example:
# This will show the title and the track number:

# Use media id tags to generate the name of the item. This should be
# enabled all the time. It should only be disabled for directories with
# broken tags.

# The following settings determine which features are available for
# which media types.
# If you set this variable in a folder.fxd, the value is 1 (enabled)
# or 0 (disabled).
# Examples:
# To enable autoplay for audio and image files:
# DIRECTORY_AUTOPLAY_ITEMS = [ 'audio', 'image' ]
# To disable autoplay entirely:

# Make all items a playlist. So when one is finished, the next one will
# start. It's also possible to browse through the list with UP and DOWN
DIRECTORY_CREATE_PLAYLIST      = [ 'audio', 'image', 'video' ]

# Add playlist files ('m3u') to the directory
DIRECTORY_ADD_PLAYLIST_FILES   = [ 'audio', 'image', 'video' ]

# Add the item 'Random Playlist' to the directory
DIRECTORY_ADD_RANDOM_PLAYLIST  = [ 'audio', 'video' ]

# Make 'Play' not 'Browse' the default action when only items and not
# subdirectories are in the directory

# ======================================================================
# Freevo movie settings:
# ======================================================================

# Where the movie files can be found.
# This is a list of items (e.g. directories, fxd files). The items themselves
# can also be a list of (title, file)
# VIDEO_ITEMS = [ ('action movies', '/files/movies/action'),
#                 ('funny stuff', '/files/movies/comedy') ]
VIDEO_ITEMS = [ ('movie', '/mnt/hdb7/Movies-freevo') ]
# Some people access movies on a different machine using an automounter.
# To avoid timeouts, you can specify the machine name in the directory
# to check if the machine is alive first
# Directory myserver:/files/server-stuff will show the item for the
# directory /files/server-stuff if the computer myserver is alive.

# The list of filename suffixes that are used to match the files that
# are played wih MPlayer.
VIDEO_MPLAYER_SUFFIX = [ 'avi', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'wmv', 'bin', 'rm',
                         'divx', 'ogm', 'vob', 'asf', 'm2v','m2p',
                         'mp4', 'viv', 'nuv', 'mov', 'iso',
                         'nsv', 'mkv' ]

# The list of filename suffixes that are used to match the files that
# are played wih Xine.
# VIDEO_XINE_SUFFIX = [ 'avi', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'rm', 'divx', 'ogm',
#                       'asf', 'm2v', 'm2p', 'mp4', 'mov', 'cue' ]

# Preferred video player

# Only scan OVERLAY_DIR and VIDEO_SHOW_DATA_DIR for fxd files containing
# information about a disc. If you only have the fxd files for discs in
# one of this directories (and subdirectories), set this to 1, it will
# speed up startup, 0 may be needed if you have fxd files with disc links
# in your normal movie tree.
VIDEO_SHOW_DATA_DIR = '/mnt/hdb7/tmp'

# ======================================================================
# Freevo audio settings:
# ======================================================================

# Where the Audio (mp3, ogg) files can be found.
# This is a list of items (e.g. directories, fxd files). The items themselves
# can also be a list of (title, file)
# To add webradio support, add fxd/webradio.fxd to this list
# AUDIO_ITEMS = [ ('Music Collection', '/local/mp3/'),
#                 'fxd/webradio.fxd' ]
AUDIO_ITEMS = [ ('Music Collection', '/mnt/hdb7/Audio-freevo') ]

# The list of filename suffixes that are used to match the files that
# are played as audio.
AUDIO_SUFFIX = [ 'mp3', 'ogg', 'wav','m4a', 'wma', 'aac', 'flac', 'mka' ]

# Regular expression used to recognize filenames which are likely to be
# covers for an album
# This will match front.jpg and cover-f.jpg, but not back.jpg nor cover-b.jpg:
# AUDIO_COVER_REGEXP = 'front|-f'

# Preferred audio player

# Show video files in the audio menu (for music-videos)

# ======================================================================
# Freevo image viewer settings:
# ======================================================================

# Where image files can be found.
# This is a list of items (e.g. directories, fxd files). The items itself
# can also be a list of (title, file)

# The list of filename suffixes that are used to match the files that
# are used for the image viewer.
# IMAGE_SUFFIX = [ 'jpg','gif','png', 'jpeg','bmp','tiff','psd' ]

# The viewer now supports a new type of menu entry, a slideshow file.
# It also has the slideshow alarm signal handler for automated shows.
# It uses a new configuration option:
# IMAGE_SSHOW_SUFFIX = [ 'ssr' ]

# Mode of the blending effect in the image viewer between two images
# Possible values are:
# None: no blending
# -1    random effect
#  0    alpha blending
#  1    wipe effect

# ======================================================================
# Freevo games settings:
# ======================================================================

# MAME is an emulator for old arcade video games. It supports almost
# 2000 different games! The actual emulator is not included in Freevo,
# you'll need to download and install it separately. The main MAME
# website is at http://www.mame.net, but the version that is used here
# is at http://x.mame.net since the regular MAME is for Windows.
# SNES stands for Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Freevo relies
# on other programs that are not included in Freevo to play these games.
# =================
# The GAMES_ITEMS structure is now build as follows :
# where :
#              - <TYPE> : Internal game types (MAME or SNES) or
#                         generic one (GENERIC)
#              - <COMMAND_PATH> : Emulator command
#              - <COMMAND_ARGS> : Arguments for the emulator
#              - <IMAGE_PATH>   : Optionnal path to the picture
#              - <FILE_SUFFIX_FOR_GENERIC> : If the folder use the GENERIC
# type, then you must specify here # the file suffix used by the emulator
# GAMES_ITEMS = [ ('MAME', '/home/media/games/xmame/roms',
# ('MAME', '/usr/local/bin/xmame.SDL', '-fullscreen -modenumber 6',
#                 '/home/media/games/xmame/shots', None)),
#               ('SUPER NINTENDO', '/home/media/games/snes/roms',
# ('SNES', '/usr/local/bin/zsnes', '-m -r 3 -k 100 -cs -u', '', None )),
#               ('Visual Boy Advance', '/home/media/games/vba/roms/',
# ('GENERIC', '/usr/local/vba/VisualBoyAdvance', ' ', '', [ 'gba' ] )),
#               ('MEGADRIVE', '/home/media/games/megadrive/roms',
# ('GENESIS', '/usr/local/bin/generator-svgalib', '', '', '' )) ]

# These settings are used for the MAME arcade emulator:

# Priority of the game process
# 0 = Don't change the priority
# >0 - Lower priority
# <0 - Higher priority
# GAMES_NICE = -20

# MAME cache directory
# GAMES_MAME_CACHE = '%s/romlist-%s.pickled' % (FREEVO_CACHEDIR, os.getuid())

# ======================================================================
# Freevo SKIN settings:
# ======================================================================

# Select a way when to switch to text view even if a image menu is there
# 1 = Force text view when all items have the same image and there are no
#     directories
# 2 = Ignore the directories, always switch to text view when all images
#     are the same

# Force text view for the media menu
# (The media menu is the first menu displayed for video, audio, images
# and games).

# ======================================================================
# Freevo OSD settings:
# ======================================================================

# System Path to search for fonts not included in the Freevo distribution
# OSD_EXTRA_FONT_PATH  = [ '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/' ]

# Font aliases
# All names must be lowercase! All alternate fonts must be in './share/fonts/'
# OSD_FONT_ALIASES = { 'arial_bold.ttf' : 'VeraBd.ttf' }

# Number of seconds to wait until the busy icon is shown in the menu.
# Busy icon can also be shown right away when there is more than a certain
# number of files in a directory.
# Set this to None to disable this.
# (seconds, files)
# OSD_BUSYICON_TIMER = (0.7, 200)


# Execute a script on OSD startup.

# Execute a script on OSD close.

# Stop the osd before playing a movie with xine or mplayer. Some output
# devices need this. After playback, the osd will be restored

# Dim text that doesn't fit instead of using ellipses.

# ======================================================================
# Freevo remote control settings:
# ======================================================================

# Location of the lircrc file
# For remote control support, Freevo needs a lircrc file, like this:
# begin
#       prog = freevo
#       button = select
#       config = SELECT
# end
# Check contrib/lirc for examples and helpers/freevo2lirc.pl for a converter
# script.
# LIRCRC = '/etc/freevo/lircrc'

# Joystick support
# 0 = Disable joystick support
# 1 = Use js0,
# 2 = Use js1,
#  ... etc
# JOY_DEV = 0

# Freevo can support as many buttons as your controller has
# as long as there is a corresponding entry in JOY_CMDS.
# You will also need to plugin.activate('joy').
# FYI: new kernels use /dev/input/jsX, but joy.py will fall back on /dev/jsX
# JOY_CMDS = {
#     'up'             : 'UP',
#     'down'           : 'DOWN',
#     'left'           : 'LEFT',
#     'right'          : 'RIGHT',
#     'button 1'       : 'PLAY',
#     'button 2'       : 'PAUSE',
#     'button 3'       : 'STOP',
#     'button 4'       : 'ENTER',
#     }

# ======================================================================
# TVtime settings:
# ======================================================================

# Location of the TV time program
# Default: Use the value in freevo.conf

# ======================================================================
# MPlayer settings:
# ======================================================================

MPLAYER_AO_DEV       = 'alsa'  # e.g.: oss,sdl,alsa, see mplayer docs

# MPLAYER_VO_DEV_OPTS  = ''              # e.g.: ':some_var=vcal'

DVD_LANG_PREF = 'en,se,no' # Order of preferred languages on DVD. # DVD_SUBTITLE_PREF = '' # Order of preferred subtitles on DVD.

# Priority of mplayer process. 0 is unchanged, <0 is higher prio, >0 lower prio.
# prio <0 has no effect unless run as root.
# MPLAYER_NICE         = -20

# Mplayer options to use the software scaler. If your CPU is fast enough, you # might try a software scaler. You can disable it later for some larger files
# with the mplayer option '-nosws'. If you have -framedrop or -hardframedrop
# as mplayer option, the software scaler will also not be used.
# A good value for this variable is:
# MPLAYER_SOFTWARE_SCALER = "-subfont-text-scale 5 -fs -sws 2 -vf scale=%s:-3,"\ # "expand=%s:%s " % ( CONF.width, CONF.width, CONF.height )
# older versions of mplayer may need
# MPLAYER_SOFTWARE_SCALER = '-xy %s -sws 2 -vop scale:-1:-1:-1:100' % CONF.width

# Mplayer arguments for different media formats. (eg DVDs, CDs, AVI files, etc)
# Uses a default value if nothing else matches.
MPLAYER_ARGS = { 'dvd'    : '-cache 8192',
                 'vcd'    : '-cache 4096',
                 'cd'     : '-cache 1024 -cdda speed=2',
                 'tv'     : '-nocache',
#                  'ivtv'   : '-cache 8192',
                 'avi'    : '-cache 5000 -idx',
#                  'rm'     : '-cache 5000 -forceidx',
#                  'rmvb'   : '-cache 5000 -forceidx',
# 'webcam' : 'tv:// -tv driver=v4l:width=352:height=288:outfmt=yuy2:device=/dev/video2',
                 'default': '-cache 5000'

# Number of seconds before seek value times out. This is used when
# seeking a specified number of minutes into a movie. If you make
# a mistake or change your mind, the seek value will timeout after
# this many seconds.

# Autocrop files when playing. This is useful for files in 4:3 with black
# bars on a 16:9 tv

# Try to set correct 'delay' and 'mc' values for mplayer based on the delay
# from mmpython.
# This should correct av sync problems with mplayer for some files, but
# may also break things. (I don't know, that's why it's disabled by default).
# WARNING: When seeking, the playback is out of sync for some seconds!

# Mplayer video filter for interlaced or progressive videos. If you have
# a slow pc, do not use post processing
# For pal and dvb-t recordings, the following looks good
# MPLAYER_VF_INTERLACED  = 'pp=md/de,phase=U'

# ======================================================================
# Xine settings:
# ======================================================================

# You need xine-ui version greater 0.9.21 to use the all the features
# of the xine plugin

# XINE_VO_DEV  = 'xv'
# XINE_COMMAND = '%s --hide-gui -pq -g -B --geometry %sx%s+0+0 --no-splash' % \
#                  (CONF.xine, CONF.width, CONF.height)

# XINE_ARGS_DEF = '--no-lirc --post=pp:quality=10,expand'

# XINE_AO_DEV = 'oss'                     # alsa or oss

# ======================================================================
# Freevo TV settings:
# ======================================================================

# This is where recorded video is written.
# XXX the path doesn't work from the www cgi scripts!
TV_RECORD_DIR = '/mnt/hdb7/Movies-freevo'

# Watching TV
# XXX You must change this to fit your local conditions!
# NORM: pal
# INPUT: composite1
# CHANLIST: One of the following:
# us-bcast, us-cable, us-cable-hrc, japan-bcast, japan-cable, europe-west,
# europe-east, italy, newzealand, australia, ireland, france, china-bcast,
# southafrica, argentina, canada-cable, russia
# TV_SETTINGS  = 'pal Television australia /dev/video0'
TV_SETTINGS  = 'pal composite australia /dev/video0'
# Video input device
# Usually /dev/video0, but might be /dev/video1 instead for multiple boards.
# FreeBSD uses the Brooktree TV-card driver, not V4L.
TV_DRIVER = 'v4l'
TV_DEVICE = '/dev/video0'
# TV_INPUT = 'Television'
TV_INPUT = 'composite1'
# Additional options to pass to mplayer in TV mode.
# eg. To turn off deinterlacing:
# TV_OPTS = '-vop pp=ci'
# TV_OPTS = ''

# TV_SETTINGS = '%s television %s %s' % (CONF.tv, CONF.chanlist, TV_DEVICE)

# Size (in MB) of the timeshift buffer. (ie: how long you can pause tv for.)
# This is set to a low default because the default buffer location is
# under FREEVO_CACHEDIR and we don't want to blow /var or /tmp.

# TIMESHIFT_ENCODE_CMD = 'mp1e -m3 -c%s -p%s -r14,100' % \
#                        (TV_SETTINGS.split()[3], AUDIO_INPUT_DEVICE)

# TIMESHIFT_BUFFER = '%s/timeshift.mpeg' % FREEVO_CACHEDIR

# TV_CHANNEL_PROG = './chchan %(channel)s %(norm)s %(freqtable)s'
TV_CHANNEL_PROG = 'v4lctl setstation %(channels)s'
# TV_DATEFORMAT = '%e-%b' # Day-Month: 11-Jun
# TV_TIMEFORMAT = '%H:%M' # Hour-Minute 14:05
# TV_DATETIMEFORMAT = '%A %b %d %I:%M %p' # Thursday September 24 8:54 am

# This is the filename format for files recorded using Freevo.
# You can use any of the strftime variables in it, provided you
# put two '%%' at the beginning.
# Some examples:
# %%A - Full weekday name.
# %%H - Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,23].
# %%M - Minute as a decimal number [00,59].
# %%m - Month as a decimal number [01,12].
# %%d - Day of the month as a decimal number [01,31].
# %%p - Locale's equivalent of either AM or PM.
# More can be found at: http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-time.html

TV_RECORDFILE_MASK = '%%m-%%d %%H:%%M %(progname)s - %(title)s'

# if using the persitant recordserver
TV_RECORD_SCHEDULE = '%s/record_schedule.xml' % FREEVO_CACHEDIR

TV_RECORD_SERVER_IP = 'localhost'

# start every recording X minutes before scheduled,
# and stop X minutes after scheduled - default to zero minutes.
# This must be a value in seconds although at the moment only has
# the percision of one minute.

# VCR_AUDIO = (':adevice=%s' % AUDIO_DEVICE +
#              ':audiorate=32000' +         # 44100 for better sound
# ':forceaudio:forcechan=1:' + # Forced mono for bug in my driver
#              'buffersize=64')             # 64MB capture buffer, change?

# TV capture size for viewing and recording. Max 768x480 for NTSC,
# 768x576 for PAL. Set lower if you have a slow computer!
# For the 'tvtime' TV viewing application, only the horizontal size is used.
# Set the horizontal size to 400 or 480 if you have a slow (~500MHz) computer,
# it still looks OK, and the picture will not be as jerky.
# The vertical size is always either fullscreen or 480/576 (NTSC/PAL)
# for tvtime.
TV_VIEW_SIZE = (1024, 768)
TV_REC_SIZE = (352, 288)   # Default for slower computers

# Input formats for viewing and recording. The format affect viewing
# and recording performance. It is specific to your hardware, so read
# the MPlayer docs and experiment with mplayer to see which one fits
# your computer best.
TV_VIEW_OUTFMT = 'yuy2'   # Better quality, slower on pure FB/X11
TV_REC_OUTFMT = 'yuy2'

# XXX Please see the mencoder docs for more info about the settings
# XXX below. Some stuff must be changed (adevice), others probably
# XXX should be ("Change"), or could be in some cases ("change?")
VCR_CMD = (CONF.mencoder + ' ' +
           '%(channel)s ' +
            '%(filename)s')           #filled in by freevo
# VCR_CMD = (CONF.mencoder + ' ' +
#            'tv:// ' +                      # New mplayer requires this.
#            '-tv driver=%s:input=%d' % (TV_DRIVER, TV_INPUT) +
#            ':norm=%s' % CONF.tv +
#            ':channel=%(channel)s' +        # Filled in by Freevo
#            ':chanlist=%s' % CONF.chanlist +
#            ':width=%d:height=%d' % (TV_REC_SIZE[0], TV_REC_SIZE[1]) +
#            ':outfmt=%s' % TV_REC_OUTFMT +
#            ':device=%s' % TV_DEVICE +
#            VCR_AUDIO +                     # set above
#            ' -ovc lavc -lavcopts ' +       # Mencoder lavcodec video codec
#            'vcodec=mpeg4' +                # lavcodec mpeg-4
#            ':vbitrate=1200:' +             # Change lower/higher, bitrate
# 'keyint=30 ' + # Keyframe every 10 secs, change? # '-oac mp3lame -lameopts ' + # Use Lame for MP3 encoding, must be enabled in mencoder! # 'br=128:cbr:mode=3 ' + # MP3 const. bitrate, 128 kbit/s # '-ffourcc divx ' + # Force 'divx' ident, better compat. # '-endpos %(seconds)s ' + # only mencoder uses this so do it here.
#            '-o %(filename)s')         # Filled in by Freevo

# Settings for ivtv based cards such as the WinTV PVR-250/350.
# XXX TODO: Add descriptions and valid settings for each option.
# bitrate in bps
# stream type
# Options are: 0 (mpeg2_ps), 1 (mpeg2_ts), 2 (mpeg1), 3 (mpeg2_pes_av),
#              5 (mpeg2_pes_v), 7 (mpeg2_pes_a), 10 (dvd)

#     'input'         : 4,
#     'resolution'    : '720x480',
#     'aspect'        : 2,
#     'audio_bitmask' : 233,
#     'bframes'       : 3,
#     'bitrate_mode'  : 1,
#     'bitrate'       : 4000000,
#     'bitrate_peak'  : 4000000,
#     'dnr_mode'      : 0,
#     'dnr_spatial'   : 0,
#     'dnr_temporal'  : 0,
#     'dnr_type'      : 0,
#     'framerate'     : 0,
#     'framespergop'  : 15,
#     'gop_closure'   : 1,
#     'pulldown'      : 0,
#     'stream_type'   : 10,
# }

# FREQUENCY_TABLE - This is only used when Freevo changes the channel natively. # This is only the case if you are using V4L2 and any of the following plugins:
# timeshift, ivtv_record, ivtv_basic_tv.
# For the standard frequancy tables see src/tv/freq.py. To add your own just # replace tuner_id in the following example with a valid tuner id (ie: '5' or
# 'BBC1') and a frequency in KHz.  You may have as many entries as you like,
# anything here will simply override a corresponding entry in your standard
# frequency table and you can also have entries here that are not present in
# there.

#     'tuner_id'   :    55250,
#     '2'           : 64250,
#     '7'           :  182250,
#     '9'           : 196250,
#     '10'          : 209250,
#     '28'          : 527250 }

# VIDEO_GROUPS is a new setting to handle multiple arbitrary groups of devices
# for viewing or recording.  It will be possible to have different Freevo
# channels use different Video Groups.

               desc='Default Video Group composite',
#                group_type='tvpippo'
#     VideoGroup(vdev='dev/video0',
#                adev='dev/dsp',
#                input_type='tuner',
#                input_num=4,
#                tuner_norm='PAL',
#                tuner_chanlist='australia',
#                desc='tuner-group',
#                group_type='tvpippo'
#                recordable=True),

# TV Channels. This list contains a mapping from the displayed channel name
# to the actual channel name as used by the TV watching application.
# The display name must match the names from the XMLTV guide,
# and the TV channel name must be what the tuner expects (usually a number).
# The TV menu is supposed to be supported by the XMLTV application for
# up to date listings, but can be used without it to just display
# the available channels.
# This list also determines the order in which the channels are displayed!
# N.B.: You must delete the XMLTV cache file (e.g. /var/cache/freevo/TV.xml.pickled)
#       if you make changes here and restart!
# Format: [('xmltv channel id', 'freevo display name', 'tv channel name'), ...]
# If this variable is set to None (default), Freevo will try to auto-detect
# the channel list based on the xmltv file. This doesn't work for all
# xmltv grabber, e.g. the German list doesn't contain station lists. In this
# case Freevo will output the possible list for you to add them manually.
# If auto-detection doesn't work or you want to edit the list, run
# freevo tv_grab -query.
# Setting this variable to [] will deactivate the tv guide. If you don't have # a tv card, you may also want to add plugin.remove('tv') to remove the whole
# tv menu.
# All channels listed here will be displayed on the TV menu, even if they're
# not present in the XMLTV listing.
# Timedependent channels:
# The TV_CHANNELS-list can look like this:
TV_CHANNELS = [('21', 'SVT1',              'E5'),
              ("composite","Composite Input","2", "", 1),
#                ('22', 'SVT2',              'E3'),
#                ('26', 'TV3',               'E10'),
#                ('27', 'TV4',               'E6'),
#                ('10', 'Kanal 5',           'E7'),
# ('60', 'Fox Kids', 'E8', ('1234567','0600','1659')), # ('16', 'TV6', 'E8', ('1234567','1700','2359'), # ('1234567','0000','0300')),
               ('14', 'MTV Europe',        'E11') ]
# As you can see the list takes optional tuples:
# ( 'DAYS', 'START','END')
# 1234567 in days means all days.
# 12345 would mean monday to friday.
# It will display "Fox Kids" from 06:00 to 16:59 and "TV6" from 17:00 to 03:00.
# 03:00 to 06:00 it won't be displayed at all.


# Program to grab xmltv listings. To get a grabber, you need to download
# xmltv. A possible value for users in the USA is tv_grab_na
# Use the tv_grab helper to grab the listings and cache them. Start
# 'freevo tv_grab --help' for more informations.

# XMLTV_GRABBER = '/usr/local/bin/tv_grab_au > /tmp/freevo/TV.xml'
XMLTV_GRABBER = '/usr/local/bin/tv_grab_au > /tmp/TV.xml'
# If you want to run tv_sort on your listings add the path to tv_sort here.
# tv_sort will make sure all your programs have proper stop times, otherwise
# programs might get cut off at midnight.

# Number of days the grabber should get

# ======================================================================
# Freevo builtin WWW server settings:
# ======================================================================

# To activate the built in web server, uncomment the following line
# plugin.activate('www')

# Web server port number. 80 is the standard port, but is often
# taken already by apache, and cannot be used unless the server
# runs as root. Port 8080 is the default, change to 80 if
# needed.
# WWW_PORT = 8080

# Username / Password combinations to login to the web interface.
# WWW_USERS = { "user1" : "changeme",
#            "optional" : "changeme2" }

# Divide the TV guide into intervals of this length (in minutes)

# Precision for TV guide (in minutes)

# Show this many blocks at once

# WWW_STYLESHEET = 'styles/main.css'

# WWW_JAVASCRIPT = 'scripts/display_prog-head.js'

# ======================================================================
# Internal stuff, you shouldn't change anything here unless you know
# what you are doing
# ======================================================================

# Config for xml support in the movie browser
# the regexp has to be with ([0-9]|[0-9][0-9]) so we can get the numbers
# VIDEO_SHOW_REGEXP = "s?([0-9]|[0-9][0-9])[xe]([0-9]|[0-9][0-9])[^0-9]"

# Remote control daemon. The server is in the Freevo main application,
# and the client is a standalone application in rc_client/

# XMLTV File
# This is the XMLTV file that can be optionally used for TV listings
# XMLTV_FILE = '/tmp/freevo/TV.xml'
XMLTV_FILE = '/tmp/TV.xml'
# XML TV Logo Location
# Use the "makelogos.py" script to download all the
# Station logos into a directory. And then put the path
# to those logos here
# TV_LOGOS = OS_CACHEDIR + '/xmltv/logos'

# LOCALE='latin-1'

at this stage I have given up on having the tv guide working automatically as I am in australia
and this seems to be difficult

Any way start at the basics and then build the tower.

Thanks for any help

p.s. I gave up on ATI video cards also because when i finally got tv out to work I could not watch any video.
Nvidia is so much easier
I use kanotix with 3d activated and the tv out patch added.

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