
Since some time I'am the prowd owner of an Hauppauge Nova-S-Plus DVB-S
but instead of using it's internal remote I'am still using my home-brew
serial one.
Since the linux-dvb drivers also contain the remote drivers wich are
available in /dev/input/event* it would be a waste not to use them...

After some reading it seems that I have 2 options:
Use lircd with  the event dev interface or use it directly via xkb (wich
seems to work out off the box, after pluging in arrow keys and enter
worked right away)
So best way looks like using it directly in X but the problem is that I
have no idea how to find out what key-codes the remote is sending. (cat
/dev/input/event0 only shows rubbish when pressing a key)
I can't use any x-tools since I only have freevo as wm and can only
access it via ssh.
Can someone help me out finding out wich keys the remote uses?

A second thingy is to lett freevo use the found keys for the right
action. ENTER and arrows do work so they don't need any work but the rest...
I found EVENTMAP['KEY_COFFEE'] = 'SUBTITLE' so it looks like it possible
to map my remote_key to another usable in freevo.
Groetjes Japie
http://www.japie.deserver.nl GNU/Linux

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