On Tue, Jan 20, 2004 at 05:55:49PM -0400, Chris Griffiths wrote:
> brad - is this using the opensource nv driver or the nvidia binary?

The driver from nVidia themselves.  From what I have read, only it
properly "supports" interlace handling on a TV-Out display.  But I
don't keep up on the opensource "nv" driver.

> have you seen the quality of a g400 running directfb (and mplayer -vo
> dfbmga) to compare?

No.  I compare it to live TV :)

After a few days of watching shows this way, I'm still happy, although
I'm not sure I'm watching 60 fields per second or not.  I'm usually
quite sensitive to the difference, so I'm confused as to why I can't
tell one way or the other.  I will play around some more to see if I
can convince myself all is well.

> What model is the card - just curious as the nvidia ones have a wide
> range of tv-out chips - some are far better quality than others.

  Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
    VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX440] (rev 163).
      IRQ 12.
      Master Capable.  Latency=248.  Min Gnt=5.Max Lat=1.
      Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe9000000 [0xe9ffffff].
      Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd0000000 [0xd7ffffff].
      Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd8000000 [0xd807ffff].
> Why are you starting up in 800x600 - it should resize - it does for my
> g400.

It didn't work for me, and I don't mind the freevo menus in 800x600.
There are no display issues there.  I try to keep things as normal as

> Are you able to adjust overscan - or is it being displayed perfectly (no
> borders etc)..

I haven't yet tried to resize the display with the nvidia overscan
settings or via the Modleine.

Brad Spencer - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - "It's quite nice..."
"S.M.A.K.I.B.B.F.B." - A.J. Rimmer | http://jacknife.org/

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