I would highly recommend the UChicago/Argonne Agent conference
(http://www.agent2005.anl.gov/) and UCLA's Arrowhead
(http://hcs.ucla.edu/arrowhead.htm). Agent leans slightly more toward modeling
and tools and Arrowhead more toward social theory. Agent has the Netlogo and
RePast workshops wh
Giles Bowkett wrote:
> howdy from the distant land of los angeles -- saw something kind of
> nifty. it's a competition to develop a ratings algorithm for Netflix.
> the winning teams are all using machine learning.
> http://netflixprize.com/
For reference (in thinking about an algorithm for
Hi, folks!
As a birthday present to myself, I want to send myself to one of the
ABM /CAS/EB/etc conferences.
I've noticed that there's a few. If I can only afford to go to one,
which one should I go to?
At least two I know of will have a NetLogo workshop on the agenda, and
that's a draw, since