On 06/13/2016 03:31 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Anyone know what it is?  I tried some obvious sci-fi authors but came up with 
> nothing.   It wasn't a particularly sci-fi movie, but more about not giving 
> up responsibility to others, in this case a machine.

The only thing I could think of was https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/THX_1138 But 
I suppose that wasn't really a therapist so much as a manipulator.

> Anyway, that's a cheery tune.  I would pity the sentient machine that had to 
> read stupid human tricks on Facebook or make sense of Amazon purchasing 
> habits and credit histories all day.   Mind numbing.

I marvel at what others find marvelous and vice versa.  When I expressed to my 
dad (when I was 15 maybe) that I thought his work as a tax assessor looked 
pretty tedious, he responded with a typical "you get what you put in" argument. 
 His favorite saying was: "If you're bored, then you're boring."  I get it 
intellectually ... but sheesh.  Taxes?  Really?

> On 06/10/2016 09:01 PM, Carl wrote:> "Now we will build you an endlessly 
> upward world..."
>> https://youtu.be/F7P2ViCRObs     ( written from the POV of an AI (if that's 
>> even possible))

Another video of her says it's from the perspective of a database.  Perhaps I'm 
perverse; considering the difference between an AI and a database reasoner is 
interesting.  Going back to Marcus' point, perhaps keeping track of and 
reasoning over facebook posts or amazon purchasing habits would be deeply 
interesting to a Database, but mind-numbing to a general AI.

☣ glen

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