Glen writes:

"It loops back on our conversation about bringing tasers to protests [..]"

Apologies in advance, but in today's article in the New York times about 
electric eels led me to a bit of poking around to find another research group.  
They write:

"Using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technologies, Gallant’s team will be able to 
generate mutant lines of transgenic electric fish as well. "

So there you go, don't worry about carrying that taser, someday it can be 
genetically engineered into an arm (or tail?).

If nothing else, an idea for a new series on Hulu.


From: Friam <> on behalf of gⅼеɳ ☣ 
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 11:51:18 AM
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enlightened Self Interest: was Help for texas

I found this essay interesting:

Why the Greatest Advocates of Nonviolence Didn't Condemn Anti-Racist, 
Anti-Fascist Acts of Violence

It loops back on our conversation about bringing tasers to protests as well as 
my question to Merle about Hinduism vs. Buddhism and "Dharma himsa tathaiva 
cha", or violence in the service of Dharma.  Being of an "interactivist" bent, 
I don't believe one can understand anything without manipulating it.  The 
objective observer is a convenient fiction.  This came up quite a bit in 
relation to the recent "March for Science".  Should scientists really be 
marching?  What are they marching for?  It's also relevant for politics, this 
tendency for people to call themselves "apolitical" or to say they don't like 
or pay attention to politics.  Personally, I think everyone is political, 
though they may lie to themselves and believe they're not.  That's why I take 
the opportunity, at every chance, to talk about both religion and politics ... 
especially when someone proscribes it.  I was playing horse shoes at the 
neighborhood picnic with a stranger and I made some comment about our 
Liar-in-Chief Trump.  He said something like "Uh-oh, you just said something 
political."  So, I took the opportunity to tell him that I don't believe in 
God, either. 8^)  And he told me his wife is an atheist!  It's rare a thing to 
get a non-atheist to admit they're married to an atheist.  The trick is to make 
it clear that Everything is permitted.  Do what thou wilt is the whole  of the 
Law. >8^D  But don't complain when you get punched for, say, acting like a Nazi.

On 09/10/2017 01:26 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> As far as out driving our headlights, yes please.  That's all there is, in 
> the end:  Figuring stuff out.   Everything else is just marking time.

☣ gⅼеɳ
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