very nicely written, Owen!

On Apr 17, 2017 9:29 PM, "Owen Densmore" <> wrote:

> Feeling burnt out on agentscript, I thought I'd, on my 75th birthday, to
> insert something new in my live, so thought of writing.
> ​  ​
> ​I need some help on how to make these "stories" rather than boring tech
> talks. But still appealing as interesting tech for those needing it. So any
> critiques appreciated.
> Medium has turned out to be an interesting publishing platform: more
> words, less fuss. Way well designed, and anyone who wants a lightweight
> "blog"​.
> My next set of posts (4 I think) will be on migration to es6 modules. A
> story is brewing on helping "legacy" folks. When I converted to them, I got
> in touch with about a dozen authors of libraries I use which have not yet
> been converted. Their responses were great, and very diversified, and even
> one pretty nasty.
> Thought I'd round them up into a story too, ending with helping one of
> them to "see the light" ... er .. to migrate.
> Anyway, any of us with experience writing, not just tech .. I'd love some
> input.
>    -- Owen
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