I get my service through NMSURF wireless (formerly CNSP) and have had
pretty good service, though *I* may have somewhat lower expectations
than most people... a little like Gary... when you grow up without
*any* internet and then "come of age" with 110/300/1200bps dialup and
got really
Heya Gary! Hope all is well.
I live around canyon over by Johnnies Market. and on a good day might get
10-13 of the 25 MBS. Which isbad. Backups, updates, and some games are
significantly larger than 25mbs a second down, and the modem speed up is
ridiculous for what comcast charges. It's especiall
Where in Santa Fe do you live? I ask only out of idle curiosity, since I
now live 6378 km from Santa Fe (check out the cool earth distance
calculator at But having
lived in Pecos for 10 years and being in Santa Fe most of those days for
work, intern
Okay this is enough I am sick of this this BS ends. Who do I not vote for
so that we can finally get real internet out today alone I've had 15
outages the other dents more thinks the DSL is a good enough feel over
solution Man I'm sorry but DSL is just not internet these days I wish it
was but no n