One of the cool things about ordinary differential equations is that if you
found one in nature, and all you had was a very very short segment, you
could still theoretically  obtain the entire future and past behavior of the
curve from it.    There are lots of events in nature something like that,
say planetary motion for example, where there’s no particular beginning or
end.   Then there’s the other kind, like a car on the highway for which the
limits and behavior depend on local steering.   For steering a car there may
be no evidence in the car’s behavior that it is about to hit a tree, except
perhaps that the driver is asleep.    Similarly there is no evidence of
lightning or other opportunistic behaviors until after they happen, etc…


I’ve been talking about that kind of behavior, where the system and the
environment have high degrees of independence and not getting much response
from you guys.    Maybe I just don’t know what method you use to distinguish
between systems that operate IN the environment and subject discovering
their limits and constraints and systems that effectively express all their
past and future constraints all the time?


Do you recognize that as a difference between how things?    If so, how do
you define or make the destinction?




Phil Henshaw                             ¸¸¸¸.·´ ¯

212-795-4844 680 Ft.Washington Ave NY NY 10040 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"it's not finding what people say interesting, but finding the interest in
what they say"



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