Hello Waldek,

the code below is a cut down version of what I would like to have.
In fact, the code works if I replace the line

  Y: (E: EuclideanDomain, A: QEtaAlgebra E) -> QEtaComputationCategory(E, A)


  Y: QEtaComputationCategory(C, F)

and use Y instead of Y(C, F) in the body of algebraBasis.

However, I would like Y to be a functor, because, roughly speaking,
there would be another parameter F2: QEtaAlgebra(C) and I would like to
call a function from Y(C, F2).

I've seen a similar construction in Aldor.


  UP: (R: Join(ArithmeticType, ExpressionType), avar: Symbol == new()
       ) -> UnivariatePolynomialAlgebra(R), _
  R :Ring, _
  V : VariableType):  RecursiveMultivariatePolynomialCategory0(R,V) with {
        univariate: % -> UP %;
          ++ `univariate(p)' returns `p' as a univariate polynomial
          ++ w.r.t. its main variable. This assumes that `p'
          ++ is not a constant.
        multivariate: (UP(%), V) -> %;
          ++ `multivariate(p,v)' returns `p' as a multivariate
          ++ polynomial whose main variable is `v'. An error
          ++ is raised if one coeffcient of `p' does not have
          ++ degree zero w.r.t. `v'.

} == add {

      import from Boolean, R, V, Z, MI, NNI;

      RVU ==> Record(var:V,terms:U);
      U ==> UP(%);
      Rep == Union(base:R,poly:RVU);

There, the R in the definition of the argument UP is local and not the
same as the R: Ring (second argument of RecursiveMultivariatePolynomial0).

When I compile the attached qq.spad, I get the following...

   initializing NRLIB QETAPKG1 for QEtaPackage1
   compiling into NRLIB QETAPKG1
   compiling exported algebraBasis : (F,List F) -> List F
****** comp fails at level 4 with expression: ******
error in function algebraBasis

 (LET (|:| |y| (Y C F))
   (|initialize| | << m >> |))
 (|exit| 1 (|return| 1 (|basisElements| |y|))))
****** level 4  ******
$x:= m
$m:= (List A)
((((|y| #) (|m| # . #1=#) (|t| # #) (|m| . #1#) ...)))

   >> Apparent user error:
   Cannot coerce m
      of mode (List F)
      to mode (List A)

Replacing A by F in the specification of Y, is not an option, since
eventually, I like to call Y(C, F2) and it doesn't work anyway. It gives

   initializing NRLIB QETAPKG1 for QEtaPackage1
   compiling into NRLIB QETAPKG1
   compiling exported algebraBasis : List F -> List F
   Internal Error
   Error while instantiating type YCF

Any idea how I can pass a functor in SPAD?


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)abbrev category QETAALG QEtaAlgebra
QEtaAlgebra(C: CommutativeRing): Category == CoercibleTo OutputForm

)abbrev category QETACAT QEtaComputationCategory
QEtaComputationCategory(C: EuclideanDomain, F: QEtaAlgebra C): Category == with
    initialize: List F -> %
    basisElements: % -> List F

)abbrev package QETAPKG1 QEtaPackage1
QEtaPackage1(C, F, Y): Exports == Implementation where
  C: EuclideanDomain
  F: QEtaAlgebra C
  Y: (E: EuclideanDomain, A: QEtaAlgebra E) -> QEtaComputationCategory(E, A)
  Exports ==> with
    algebraBasis: List F -> List F
  Implementation ==> add
    algebraBasis(m: List F): List F ==
        y: Y(C, F) := initialize(m)
        return basisElements y

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