Hi, My client is looking for 240 m2 space adjacent to a Tier 3 data center with diverse power and fibre feeds to Bordeaux and Paris. Brittany is the selected region. Client wants to rent the land and must be able to pull fibre and power to the site. Minimal colo space.
Regards, Rdoerick. Roderick Beck Global Network Capacity Procurement United Cable Company www.unitedcablecompany.com<http://www.unitedcablecompany.com> https://unitedcablecompany.com/video/ New York City & Budapest rod.b...@unitedcablecompany.com Budapest: 36-70-605-5144 NJ: 908-452-8183 [1467221477350_image005.png] --------------------------- Liste de diffusion du FRnOG http://www.frnog.org/