zenity 3.20.0

2016-03-23 Thread Arx Henrique Pereira da Cruz
About zenity Display dialog boxes from the command line and shell scripts News - Translation updates ChangeLog = https://download.gnome.org/sources/zenity/3.20/zenity-3.20.0.changes (5.46K) Download https://download.gnome.org/sources/zenity/3.20/zen

gnome-nibbles 3.20.0

2016-03-23 Thread Michael Catanzaro
About gnome-nibbles === Guide a worm around a maze Download https://download.gnome.org/sources/gnome-nibbles/3.20/gnome-nibbles-3.20.0.tar.xz (1.57M) sha256sum: 9773077d73c2c58be3ef546457228d74b1e61cd1501ca213d6d5fbc1b0d478cc _

gnome-tweak-tool 3.20.0

2016-03-23 Thread Rui Matos
About GNOME Tweak Tool == GNOME Tweak Tool allows adjusting advanced configuration settings in GNOME 3. This includes things like the fonts used in user interface elements, alternative user interface themes, changes in window management behavior, GNOME Shell appearance and exte

dconf 0.26.0

2016-03-23 Thread Allison Ryan Lortie
About dconf === dconf is a simple key/value storage system ideal for storing user preferences News None. Download https://download.gnome.org/sources/dconf/0.26/dconf-0.26.0.tar.xz (215K) sha256sum: 8683292eb31a3fae31e561f0a4220d8569b0f6d882e9958b68373f9043d658c9 _


2016-03-23 Thread Dan Winship
About libsoup = libsoup is an HTTP client/server library for GNOME. It uses GObjects and the GLib main loop, to integrate well with GNOME applications. News * ( fixes a build problem with the 2.54.0 tarball, which would not build if you configured with

nautilus 3.20.0

2016-03-23 Thread Carlos Soriano Sánchez
About Nautilus == Default file manager for GNOME News * Improve path bar sliders sizing, making them less prominent (Carlos Soriano, Lapo Calamandrei) Download https://download.gnome.org/sources/nautilus/3.20/nautilus-3.20.0.tar.xz (3.27M) sha256sum: 7ca7995a4d6a7