
Can a ftp user access a file from other ftp users' home directory (or sub directory)?

For example,

1. UserA has his home directory as /home/UserA
2. UserB has his home directory as /home/UserB

3. UserA has a file at following folder location, */home/UserA/documents/test.txt*

4. When UserB connect to apache ftp server, he will see "/" (which maps to /home/UserB) as his root directory. 5. Can UserB issue "*GET /home/UserA/documents/test.txt*" to retrieve the file?

I tried "running ftp server stand alone in 5 minutes" link, and this seems to be not supported out of the box.
I get "550 ... : No such file or directory" error.

What is the recommended/best way to share files between various ftp users?


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