On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 12:03 PM, Rick R <rick.richard...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Does your mother know you're doing this? It seems curious that Ant-Sec
> popped up right around the time summer vacation started. This is what you're
> doing with your extra 8 hours a day previously taken up by classes and
> homework?
> The charter of Ant-Sec seems to be bent on stifling the flow of
> information.  If there is one inalienable truth on this planet it is that
> Information Wants To Be Free. In all meanings of the word free.  Many
> multi-billion dollar corporations and governments have tried and failed to
> stop those who would wish to share information, but somehow you think you
> can do it. Summer break is only a couple months long and you still have to
> go on family vacations, take naps, and hang out at the roller-rink or
> whatever it is kids do these days. Frankly I think you should take some
> summer classes or get a job, so that one day you can be a useful member of
> society.
> Just my $0.02.
> On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 5:29 AM, Ant-Sec Movement <
> anti.sec.movem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear members of Hackforums.net, Jesse Labrocca (AKA Omniscient),
>> Milw0rm.com, str0ke, and Reader,
>> We are the Ant-Sec movement, and we are dedicated
>> to eradicating full-disclosure of vulnerabilities and exploits and free
>> discussion on hacking related topics. We are dedicated to stalling the ocean
>> of script-kiddies currently trawling the Internet, and those so called
>> "White Hat Hackers" who benefit financially from full-disclosure; employing
>> scare-tactics in order to con people into buying their firewalls and
>> anti-virus software.
>> Thus, our new targets are Hackforums.net and Milw0rm.com. Both are notable
>> within the hacking underground and the computer security world, and both
>> violate what the Anti-Sec movement is fighting for. Such as it is, both must
>> be terminated...utterly.
>> Let us first discuss Hackforums.net. It is run by a man named Jesse
>> Labrocca, also known as "Omniscient" within the hacker underground. Although
>> he, himself, claims to not know a thing about penetrating computer systems.
>> Hackforums.net is perhaps one of the largest communities of hackers and
>> script-kiddies alike currently at large in cyber space. The beginner
>> section, alone, is flooded every single day with messages by script-kiddies.
>> The "Hacking Tutorials" section is a diamond mine of full-disclosure
>> information. And that is not the entirety of it. As a result, this community
>> MUST be terminated.
>> Recently, the Anti-Sec movement became aware that some unknown entity has
>> been launching successfully crippling denial of service attacks against
>> Hackforums.net. Whoever you are, we of the Anti-Sec movement extend our
>> warmest gratitude to you and we ask that, if you're reading this email,
>> please do not cease your attack against Hackforums.net. By bringing it down,
>> you are helping to recover the health of the Internet. Hackforums.net is a
>> hive of knowledge that should only be known by a select few. It MUST be
>> terminated. In addition, we also encourage any and all who can to launch
>> denial of service attacks against Hackforums.net in order to support us in
>> furthering our goals.
>> We would like to stress that we will not be participating in DDOSing
>> Hackforums.net. The reasons for this bring us to our next topic of
>> discussion.
>> In addition to our OpenSSH 0-day exploit, the Anti-Sec movement have also
>> unearthed an Apache 0-day vulnerability and  we have subsequently developed
>> exploit code in order to take advantage of this vulnerability. It affects
>> ALL versions. We will be using this as well as our OpenSSH exploit to hack
>> into Hackforums.net and rm its contents, thus terminating it.
>> As soon as, if ever, the recent crippling DDOS attacks against
>> Hackforums.net cease, we will strike. And in that moment, Hackforums.net
>> will be history. Your only hope, Hackforums, is for the heavy DDOS attacks
>> to never stop.
>> Once we have dealt with Hackforums.net, we will terminate Milw0rm. Better
>> you had quit and left it at that, Str0ke, for now milw0rm.com will be
>> completely and utterly wiped. It is the second highest target after
>> Hackforums.net.
>> This is our message to all. You have seen what the Anti-Sec movement can
>> do. We will do it again, and again, and again, until our goals are
>> achieved.
>> This we promise.
>> Sincerely,
>> Anti-Sec
>> _______________________________________________
>> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>> Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
>> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
> --
> "The greatest obstacle to discovering the shape of the earth, the
> continents, and the oceans was not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge."
> - Daniel J. Boorstin

"The greatest obstacle to discovering the shape of the earth, the
continents, and the oceans was not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge."

- Daniel J. Boorstin
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

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