So are you talking about Actionable Intelligence? Why should the  
government be gathering any intelligence on me unless I am the target  
of an investigation? Maybe I should also have to register my I.D. to  
any device that I connect to the Internet. I bet that would provide  
lost of actionable intelligence.

You proposal does not solve any problems it only creates government  
bloat. If you restrict the use of these tools it complicates the  
ability for the 'good guys' to get them not the 'bad guys'.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 13, 2008, at 8:00 PM, n3td3v <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The intelligence about who downloads metasploit is already there, but
> currently it is not actionable intelligence.
> The license scheme would start to make that intelligence actionable,
> without the scheme, you've got intelligence sitting there that can't
> be used in an actionable way.
> Its all about making intelligence that is already held actionable.
> You've got known cyber criminals and terrorists downloading
> metasploit, but no legislation in place where the good guys can
> benefit and the bad guys be lockered out.
> We got to get this situation sorted, the intelligence is there, but
> nothing actionable can be done with it.
> We've got to get this license scheme implemented sooner rather than  
> later.
> n3td3v
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