---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Jan 8, 2007 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Flog 1.1.2 Remote Admin Password Disclosure
To: endrazine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

How are you guys still arguing about this?
It wasn't even a troll.

It's called a one-way-hash for a reason.

Oh and if someone comes out with quantum computers tomorrow we could factor
RSA, so we better start putting out SSL advisories.

Slippery slope indeed.

On 1/8/07, endrazine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

typos :

endrazine a écrit :
> Here again, I agree. Now, if one needs to exhaustively try every
> possible 32b hashes with the largest possible charset (or even bigger
> with a smaller - like those alphanumerical keys you just mentionned), to

> break a password hash, the it's not a "*BIG*" security issue like
> mentionned earlier imho.
s/hashes/passwords/ indeed



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