America's reliance on security systems developed by foreign nations
could pose problems in the future.

Adversaries are developing key hardware and software for the United
States Department of Defense. The Defense Science Board Task Force
(dsbt) issued a September 2007 report warning, "The United States must
now confront—and plan for—the reality that adversaries may well be
supplying the key hardware and software on which the U.S. bases its
military and economic superiority." The primary fear is that
foreign-developed security software may come preprogrammed with
backdoors and malicious code that would allow hackers to steal
information or sabotage the system.

Because it is cheaper to do so, the U.S. has outsourced much of its
government software development, including Department of Security
software, to foreign nations—primarily India, China and Russia. While
the U.S. saves money in this arrangement, it is likely to pay in
national security.

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