First Last wrote:

1). Establish Computer Emergency Response Team for our country.

This needs further definition. Are you looking at anti-virus/hacker/anything response strictly? If so, I'd almost look towards McAfee or Symantec for possible partnership with their already extensive networks.

2). Create a centre & educate people among ourselves to start, build a strong ITC backbone for our country.

This I'd almost look at being a tax paid endeavour. The obvious job placement and economic growth entailed by this should be more than enough benifit to see people on their taxes. However, I don't know what the current economic status of your country is to knowledgebly suggest that. As far as getting something like that running, you'd need to assess how many qualified teaching staff members you have. You may need to look towards other high name universities and institutions to see if there are people there willing to help direct qualified people to help with your teaching situation.

3). To create a centralize infrastructure to share information and monitor digital activities within Banks, ISP's & Business.

Well, that gets into privacy issues. You'll need to figure out to what extent you're monitoring activities. Too much monitoring, and people start screaming.

4). A origination to check and monitor all the vital ITC infrastructure of our country and teach the staffs best security practices.

See #2. In fact, most of the output from #2 should help to deal with this.

I hope this gives you some ideas.

Sound | Video | Security
ChrisWhite @

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