On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 11:19:08 -0800 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>The fear PHC, ~el8 and such groups put into companies is actually
>helping sec.industry.
>If it was up to them I think there would be hundreds of publicly
>known groups going
>wild on systems and proving that no one is safe from an attack.
> This helps sell their
>service very well.

All will know and fear.  Our goal is to deliver the great fear.  Fear y our open 
source solutions and their distribution sites.  Audit your source, hire so called 
security experts to audit it for you.  We'll see how far they get in finding 'security 
bugs'.  After you pay them their extravagant fees for running SLINT and other crappy 
tools, our techniques will remain.
Theo, thanks for the big #1!  We know you, we know each and every one of you.
We don't even mind telling you, sourceforge, it's our bitch.
CVS, what a joke.
How about good ole gcc?  h0h0h0h0h0...
The great fear is upon us, let's get those whitehats busy, they need the work these 
days to make their Porsche payments (Hi Mudge!).
After the 'audits', the whitehats will be made the fool.
We'll see how many companies ask for them back.
Fools.  Sheep.  Where's your security rock stars now?
Forget milk, got ethics?
Gartner/IDC says they are 'a-ok' let's pay them $300k for this audit.
Look!  They have a security newsletter!  That's an extra $75.00/hr for the marketing 
efforts alone!
Fools.  Sheep.
The great fear is upon you.

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