Trojan author revealed (was: Re: [Full-Disclosure] ProFTPD-1.2.9rc2 remote root exploit)

2003-10-24 Thread mitch_hurrison
Hi list, Hrmm. Ok I'm no Sherlock Holmes but even I could see through this 'analysis'. This is obviously an elaborate attempt to soil the reputations of the fine people, dare I say heros of information security, at GOBBLES security. Let's examine the case at hand: 1) Someone makes the effort

Re: [Full-Disclosure] No Subject (re: openssh exploit code?)

2003-10-21 Thread mitch_hurrison
Hi Paul, Again, what is it about your personality that makes you incapable of taking part in an adult discussion of responsible disclosure issues? Is it that anyone who has a different opinion than yours is automatically not worth your time? That sounds kind of nazi-like to me mr. Schmehl. It's

RE: [Full-Disclosure] No Subject (re: openssh exploit code?)

2003-10-21 Thread mitch_hurrison
Hi Paul, I'm glad to see you are capable of a sensible response. I see your points and it's nothing I haven't heard before. The thing is, your arguments don't really hold any ground in this particular event. I've said all along that this issue has been publicly recognised as being a security

Re: [Full-Disclosure] No Subject (re: openssh exploit code?)

2003-10-21 Thread mitch_hurrison
Hi Jason, First of all, thanks for taking the time to write a well thought out response to my views and my statements. Now let's get to it. That having been said, your conclusions are wrong. In part this is caused by a simple slip of logic and perhaps a flawed understanding of statistics.

[Full-Disclosure] No Subject (re: openssh exploit code?)

2003-10-21 Thread mitch_hurrison
Hi Paul, Admins and management base decisions on those differences. Now let's look at the case at hand, which you characterize as devastating. Yes, lets. Note the words may..cause a denial-of-service condition and may.execute arbitrary code. It is those vagaries that folks who

[Full-Disclosure] re: openssh exploit code?

2003-10-20 Thread mitch_hurrison
Hi Attica, That's a fine example of the whitehat leech mentality you're displaying there. Why do you insist on being so dependent on other people's findings? You're supposed to be some sort of security expert no? Well here's an idea, how about you go research the bug yourself and base any

Re: [Full-Disclosure] re: openssh exploit code?

2003-10-20 Thread mitch_hurrison
Hi Attica, Let me break it down some more for you: 1) You rely on other people to give you the information needed to exploit the bug. 2) You've clearly stated that you are incapable of determining possible exploitation yourself. 3) You acknowledge that the bug has already been publicly

RE: [Full-Disclosure] No Subject (re: openssh exploit code?)

2003-10-20 Thread mitch_hurrison
Hi Paul, So there's the 1% l33ts like you, and then there's the 99% of the human populace that has other things to do besides squirrel around with code. I get it. How does my squirreling around with code all day bare relevance to the points I put forward? If anything you as an admin should

[Full-Disclosure] OT: An odd question that has arrisen within my household

2003-10-13 Thread mitch_hurrison
Hi Henry, I have to agree with Josh on this one. Basically you admit to not having any first-hand experience with the real underground. This shows from your comments. There are alot of lowkey collaborations of people who research and exploit vulnerabilities for the pure joy of solving the