> Hi, recently i was call for make a security test. when i was there someone
> that call him self "admin" was making an redhat 9 install in a pc with 2
> drivers.
> he had to install in disk one, and when was asking for delete partition,
> deleted all the partitions in the 2 disc, but after only disc one was
> I want to know if you could tell me some place where i may look for some
> about data recovery and tools for do it.
> PS: the disc 2 has linux.
> -- 
> Servicios de Seguridad Informatica
> www.masev.cl

This is not "help me with my forensics problem". This is "full-disclosure".
Please read the list charter. Then google for "linux +forensics"

Kurt Seifried, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html

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