
i got an intersting cmd-script to gather shares in a windows network
without the need to install something.

Sorry for quoting long lines.

@echo off
: -=[ (c) 2003-10-31 MrB ]=-
: collect the name of accessible Windows(R) shares
: syntax: openshare 192.168.0
:         - scans all ip from to
: This is a multithreading script (tm). ;-) So don't panic if you
: see many console windows in your taskbar. They are all closing
: by itself.
if not "%5"=="" start "CMD" /min %0 %1 %2 %3 && shift /2 && shift /2 && goto :cmd
if "%0"=="%2" exit
if not "%4"=="" goto :netview
if "%1"=="" echo Nothing to do... && exit
if exist OpenShares.txt del OpenShares.txt
if "%2"=="" if exist *.pid del *.pid
if "%2"=="" start "CMD" /min %0 %1 1 20 21 41 42 62 63 83 84 104 105 125 126 146 147 
167 168 188 189 209 210 230 231 254 %0 %1
if "%3"=="" ping -n 5 > nul && goto :wait
for /L %%I in (%2,1,%3) do echo test if up: %1.%%I && ping %1.%%I -n 1 -w 1000 1>nul 
2>nul && if errorlevel = 0 start "CMD" /min %0 %1.%%I %2 %3 %1.%%I
del %2.pid
echo.&&echo ---[ Please wait... ]---
ping -n 2 > nul
if exist *.pid goto :wait2
if exist *.up goto :wait2
for %%I in (*.res) do type %%I >> OpenShares.txt && del %%I
if exist OpenShares.txt start OpenShares.txt
goto :end
net view \\%1 1> %1.up 2> nul
if errorlevel = 1 goto :endchild
ren %1.up %1.res
if exist %1.up del %1.up

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