First laser guns now this, sweet!

The device uses electrodes attached to the face and neck to detect and
interpret the unique patterns of electrical signals sent to facial
muscles and the tongue as the person mouths words. <snip>

Their secret is to detect not just words but also the phonemes that
form the building blocks of words. The system then uses these to
reconstruct the word. To translate from English to another language,
the user only has to train the system on the 45 phonemes used in
spoken English.
The researchers use software that has been taught to recognise which
phonemes are most likely to appear next to each other and in what
order. When it encounters a string of phonemes it is unfamiliar with
or has only partially heard, it uses this knowledge to come up with a
range of sequences that make sense given the surrounding phonemes and
words, assigns a probability to each one, and then picks the one with
the highest probability.

The system still has a long bumpy road ahead, but its nice to see
someone is trying to rebuild the tower of babel ;-)

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