>Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 15:09:46 -0400
>From: Steve Kurtz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Organization: Gaia Preservation Coalition & National Centre for Sustainability
>Subject: Population policy news clip
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>(c) Earth Times News Service
>President Clinton's address at the United Nations Monday was
>encouraging to everybody who shares his support for promoting
>sustainable economic development and environmental security. But, at a
>time when developing nations are looking to Washington for renewed
>leadership on international social issues, the President missed an
>opportunity to highlight the root cause of many global economic,
>social and environmental maladies: population growth that is
>alarmingly high in countries that can least afford such growth.
>Mr. Clinton is surely aware that the world adds 100 million people
>each year, mostly in the 127 countries of the third world. At this
>rate, global population, now nearly 5.9 billion, will climb to 8
>billion by the year 2010. Such numbers contribute significantly to
>environmental degradation, and deteriorating health, education and
>municipal services. Rapid deforestation--another bane of the third
>world-- has resulted from the fact that 70 percent of families in poor
>countries rely on wood as their sole source of fuel. Lack of access to
>potable water is increasingly posing hazards to children in the
>developing world. More than 31,000 children under the age of five die
>each year from preventable diseases. And despite all the cheerful talk
>in the financial community about globalization, job creation simply
>hasn't keep pace with population growth. Is it any wonder, then, that
>more than a third of the world's people lives below the poverty
>line--defined as percapita income of less than the equivalent of $350
>Notwithstanding Mr. Clinton's hearty endorsement of sustainable
>economic development, the United States seems to have relinquished its
>leadership on the global population issue. Its annual assistance to
>the UN Population Fund--perhaps one of the most efficient field
>organizations in the multilateral system--has been suspended by the
>Republican-dominated Congress on ideological grounds. The House of
>Representatives just last week voted heavily against renewing such
>aid, not only for UNFPA but also for private-sector organizations such
>as the London-based International Planned Parenthood Federation. The
>reason? That these organizations implicitly endorse abortion because
>they give assistance to countries such as China, where abortions are
>performed. Both UNFPA and IPPF insist that support of abortion is not
>their policy, but that falls on deaf ears in Congress.
>Each year, 24 million women enter the child-bearing stage in poor
>countries, and a vast majority of them do not have access to adequate
>family planning services. Why doesn't Mr. Clinton underscore this?
>Instead, what we heard from him yesterday was an emphasis on free
>markets, on entrepreneurship, on access to capital--as if repeating
>these mantras will miraculously foster a new environment of growth and
>change in languishing societies. Of course, he did sympathize in his
>speech with the victims of globalization, the "have-nots," but much
>too often the Clinton Administration hasn't dared to rise beyond its
>rhetoric and go to the mat for development programs in an insensitive
>Congress. Maybe population simply isn't a convenient topic in the
>current political calculus.
>Global poverty cannot be wished away. It's fine for the private sector
>to invest in Nike factories, but where's the much-needed investment in
>social development? What's needed desperately is slowing population
>growth through more attention to reproductive health, education for
>girls, and employment for women. An important new study by Population
>Action International, a Washington think-tank, has shown that greater
>access to schooling for girls and young women leads to lower birth
>rates; a secondary school education often results in later marriages.
>The PAI study shows, for example, that a Peruvian woman who has
>completed 10 years of education typically has two or three children,
>while a woman with no formal education has up to 10 children. Smaller
>families often mean better health-care for children and enhanced
>economic prospects for adults.
>But donor countries are lessening their assistance to developing
>nations: the figure for 1996 was barely $50 billion, almost $10
>billion less than five years earlier. The U.S., a traditional leader
>in population issues, spends less than $1.50 per person for population
>aid to developing countries, and the ideological sentiment in Congress
>favors shrinking such aid.
>Strengthening population and reproductive-health programs, and
>creating better education and job opportunities for women, are a
>worthy way of investing in people's wellbeing and, indeed, the
>national health of developing countries. Population growth in the
>third world has dramatically increased the numbers of the poor, and
>not that of people with purchasing power for goods promoted by
>American and other Western exporters. Both President Clinton and
>Congress should be mindful that growing numbers don't add up to
>growing markets.

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